Joshua 7:11-12
Achan's Sin (Joshua 7)
Go up an view the country
Stoning of Achan, The
Achan and all his family and cattle stoned and burnt
Achan and all his family and cattle stoned and burnt

Joshua 22:18-20
Eastern Tribes Return Home (Joshua 22)
Reubenites answer in defense of their altar, The
Reubenites answer in defense of their altar, The
An imposing altar
How could you brake faith with the God of Israel like this?

(8 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Joshua 22
Joshua 22:1
Eastern Tribes Return Home (Joshua 22)
Reubenites answer in defense of their altar, The
Reubenites answer in defense of their altar, The
An imposing altar
How could you brake faith with the God of Israel like this?

(8 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Joshua 22
Joshua 14:1
Division by Lot (Joshua 14:1-5)
Joshua Leads the Division of Canaan (Joshua 14--21)
By lot was their inheritance
Artworks depicting Joshua leading the division of Canaan, which can not be connected to a specific event during the process, sort under this heading
Joshua divides the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel
Ecclesiastes 9:18
Wisdom Better Than Folly (Ecclesiastes 9:13--10:20)
A poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city
Better to listen to the quiet words of a wise man
I have seen slaves on horseback
When a man is too lazy to repair his roof
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Ecclesiastes 9 ;
Ecclesiastes 10