NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Lamentations 5:16


crown <05850> [The crown.]

fallen .... head <05307 07218> [is fallen from our head. Heb. of our head is fallen. woe.]

Lamentations 5:2


Lamentations 1:1


city <05892> [How doth.]

The LXX. have the following words as an introduction: "And it came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and Jerusalem was become desolate, that Jeremiah sat weeping, and lamented with this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said."

sits <03427> [sit.]

all .... prominent <07227> [full.]

widow <0490> [as a.]

all .... prominent <07227> [great.]

widow ............ forced laborer <0490 04522> [how is.]

Lamentations 1:1


city <05892> [How doth.]

The LXX. have the following words as an introduction: "And it came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and Jerusalem was become desolate, that Jeremiah sat weeping, and lamented with this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said."

sits <03427> [sit.]

all .... prominent <07227> [full.]

widow <0490> [as a.]

all .... prominent <07227> [great.]

widow ............ forced laborer <0490 04522> [how is.]

Nehemiah 5:4


taxes .... king <04060 04428> [the king's tribute.]

Nehemiah 9:37


abundant <07235> [it yieldeth.]

rule <04910> [dominion.]

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