NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Leviticus 19:18

19:18 <03068> hwhy <0589> yna <03644> Kwmk <07453> Kerl <0157> tbhaw <05971> Kme <01121> ynb <0853> ta <05201> rjt <03808> alw <05358> Mqt <03808> al(19:18)

19:18 kai <2532> ouk <3364> ekdikatai sou <4771> h <3588> ceir <5495> kai <2532> ou <3364> mhnieiv toiv <3588> uioiv <5207> tou <3588> laou <2992> sou <4771> kai <2532> agaphseiv <25> ton <3588> plhsion <4139> sou <4771> wv <3739> seauton <4572> egw <1473> eimi <1510> kuriov <2962>

Deuteronomy 6:5

6:5 <03966> Kdam <03605> lkbw <05315> Kspn <03605> lkbw <03824> Kbbl <03605> lkb <0430> Kyhla <03068> hwhy <0853> ta <0157> tbhaw(6:5)

6:5 kai <2532> agaphseiv <25> kurion <2962> ton <3588> yeon <2316> sou <4771> ex <1537> olhv <3650> thv <3588> kardiav <2588> sou <4771> kai <2532> ex <1537> olhv <3650> thv <3588> quchv <5590> sou <4771> kai <2532> ex <1537> olhv <3650> thv <3588> dunamewv <1411> sou <4771>

Psalms 51:6

51:6 <03045> yneydwt <02451> hmkx <05640> Mtobw <02910> twxjb <02654> tupx <0571> tma <02005> Nh<51:8> (51:6)

51:6 (50:8) idou <2400> gar <1063> alhyeian <225> hgaphsav <25> ta <3588> adhla <82> kai <2532> ta <3588> krufia thv <3588> sofiav <4678> sou <4771> edhlwsav <1213> moi <1473>

Matthew 5:22

5:22 egwde legwoti pavo orgizomenovadelfw autouenocov estaikrisei ovd aneiph adelfwautou rakaenocov estaisunedriw ovd aneiph enocovestai thngeennan toupurov

Matthew 5:28

5:28 egwde legwoti pavo blepwnprov toepiyumhsai hdhemoiceusen enth kardiaautou

Matthew 22:37-40

22:37 ode efhagaphseiv tonyeon souen olhkardia soukai enolh thquch soukai enolh thdianoia sou

22:38 authestin megalhkai prwthentolh

22:39 deuteraomoia authagaphseiv plhsionsou wvseauton

22:40 entautaiv taivdusin entolaivolov onomov kremataioi profhtai

Hebrews 4:12

4:12 zwno logovtou yeoukai energhvkai tomwterovuper pasanmacairan distomonkai diiknoumenovmerismou quchvkai pneumatovarmwn tekai muelwnkai kritikovenyumhsewn kaiennoiwn kardiav

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