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Leviticus 16:6-11


on behalf <01157> [which.]

[an atonement, for himself.]



lots ....... lot ....... lot <01486 05414> [cast lots.]

Azazel <05799> [scape goat. Heb. Azazel, that is, the goat-gone-away.]

The Hebrew [ ] has been supposed by some to be the name of a place, either a mountain or cliff, to which the goat was led. But no place of that name has ever been pointed out, except a mountain near Sinai, which was too distant for the goat to be conducted there from Jerusalem. Other learned men think it was the name of the devil, who was worshipped by the heathen in the form of a goat. But Bp. Patrick justly objects to this opinion; for it is difficult to conceive, that when the other goat was offered to God, this should be sent among demons. The more probable opinion seems to be, that it was name given to the goat itself, on account of his being let go; from {aiz,} a goat, and {azal,} to depart. So LXX. [\~apopompaov\~,] and Vulgate {emissarius,} sent away; Aquila and Symmachus [\~tragov apercomenov\~,] or [\~apolelumenov\~:] the goat going away, or dismissed.


Lord <03068> [upon which.]

designated <05927> [fell. Heb. went up.]


Azazel .................... Azazel <05799> [the scape-goat.]

atonement <03722> [to make.]

sending <07971> [let him.]


Leviticus 16:21-22


lay <05564> [lay.]

confess ...... iniquities <03034 05771> [confess over.]

put <05414> [putting.]

man ... ready <0376 06261> [a fit man. Heb. a man of opportunity.]

The man that took the scape-goat into the wilderness, and they that burned the sin offering, were to be looked upon as ceremonially unclean, and must not come into the camp till they had washed their clothes and bathed their flesh in water, which signified the defiling nature of sin; even the sacrifice which was made sin, was defiling: also the imperfection of the legal sacrifices, they were so far from taking away sin, that they left some stain even upon those that touched them.


bear ...... iniquities <05375 05771> [bear upon.]

inaccessible <01509> [not inhabited. Heb. of separation.]

Leviticus 16:29-30


seventh <07637> [in the seventh.]

humble <06031> [shall afflict.]

work <06213 04399> [do no.]


Leviticus 16:34


perpetual <05769> [an everlasting.]

once ... year <0259 08141> [once a year.]

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