Kidung Jemaat
There is no Kidung Jemaat related to this verses.Hymns
Luke 14:16-23
[Luk 14:16] How Sweet And Awesome Is This Place
How sweet and awesome is this place
[originally How sweet and aweful is the place]
With Christ within the doors,
While everlasting love displays
The choicest of her stores!Here every bowel of our God
With soft compassion rolls;
Here peace and pardon bought with blood
Is food for dying souls.While all our hearts and all our songs
Join to admire the feast,
Each of us cry, with thankful tongues,
“Lord, why was I a guest?“Why was I made to hear Thy voice,
And enter while there’s room,
When thousands make a wretched choice,
And rather starve than come?”’Twas the same love that spread the feast
That sweetly drew us in;
Else we had still refused to taste,
And perished in our sin.Pity the nations, O our God!
Constrain the earth to come;
Send Thy victorious Word abroad,
And bring the strangers home.We long to see Thy churches full,
That all the chosen race
May with one voice, and heart and soul,
Sing Thy redeeming grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:16] When The Comforter Came
My heart, that was heavy and sad,
Was made to rejoice and be glad,
And peace without measure I had,
When the Comforter came.Refrain
Peace, sweet peace,
Peace when the Comforter came!
My heart that was heavy and sad,
Was made to rejoice and be glad,
And peace without measure I had,
When the Comforter came.To sin and to evil inclined,
With darkness pervading my mind,
No rest I could anywhere find,
Till the Comforter came.Refrain
The voice of thanksgiving I raised,
The Lord, my Redeemer, I praised;
I was at His mercy amazed,
When the Comforter came.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:17] The Blessed Feast
Come, poor sinner, to the blessèd, blessèd feast,
O hear the call—thy Savior’s call;
Haste to meet Him, He will welcome thee His guest,
O rejoice, there’s room for all.Refrain
Whosoever will in that feast may share,
In our Father’s house there is bread to spare;
Come to Jesus, He is waiting, waiting now,
Come, O come, there’s room for all.Art thou weary? Wouldst thou lay thy weight aside?
Then rest thee here, the cross is near;
See where Jesus thy Redeemer bled and died,
Come and taste His mercy here.Refrain
Hark, He bids thee to the crimson fountain go,
It flows so free, so pure for thee;
He will wash thee and will make thee white as snow,
Thou His happy child shalt be.Refrain
Come to Jesus, and thy burden He will bear,
The feast is spread, lift up thy head;
Come, and rest thee in the Savior’s gentle care,
By His love thou shalt be fed.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] Mistakes Of My Life, The
The mistakes of my life have been many,
The sins of my heart have been more,
And I scarce can see for weeping,
But I’ll knock at the open door.Refrain
I know I am weak and sinful,
It comes to me more and more;
But when the dear Savior shall bid me come in,
I’ll enter the open door.I am lowest of those who love Him,
I am weakest of those who pray;
But I come as He has bidden,
And He will not say me nay.Refrain
My mistakes His free grace will cover,
My sins He will wash away,
And the feet that can shrink and falter
Shall walk thro’ the gates of day.Refrain
The mistakes of my life have been many,
And my spirit is sick with sin,
And I scarce can see for weeping,
But the Savior will let me in.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] Room For The Penitent
Room for the penitent, burdened with sin,
Room at the open door—let him come in;
Weary and tempest tossed, where can he flee?
Jesus, Thou Lamb of God, only to Thee.Refrain
Room for the penitent; where can he flee?
Jesus, Thou Lamb of God, only to Thee.Room where the living stream flows at His feet,
Room at the throne of grace—God’s mercy seat;
There may the broken heart lose all its grief,
There may the contrite soul find sweet relief.Refrain
Room at the blessèd feast God has prepared,
Room where the bread of life millions have shared;
Room where the smiles of love tenderly fall;
Room in Thy arms, O Christ, room, room for all.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] Room For You
There is room in the fold of the Shepherd
For those who have wandered away;
There is room in the heart of the Savior
For every poor sinner today.Refrain
Room, room, room for you,
In the heart of the Savior above;
Room for me, room for you,
Come, rest in His wonderful love.There is room in the field of the Master
And work for His servants to do;
A use for each talent He gives you,
A sheaf to be garnered by you.Refrain
There is room in the ranks of the Captain
For soldiers to fight against sin;
And all who are trustful and faithful
Thro’ Him will the victory win.Refrain
There is room in the beautiful City,
And Jesus has opened the door;
He will gather the least of His children
Where sorrow shall come nevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] Stop, Poor Sinner, Stop And Think
Stop, poor sinner! stop and think
Before you farther go!
Will you sport upon the brink
Of everlasting woe?
Once again I charge you, stop!
For, unless you warning take,
Ere you are aware, you drop
Into the burning lake!Say, have you an arm like God,
That you His will oppose?
Fear you not that iron rod
With which He breaks His foes?
Can you stand in that dread day,
When He judgment shall proclaim,
And the earth shall melt away
Like wax before the flame?Pale faced death will quickly come
To drag you to His bar;
Then to hear your awful doom
Will fill you with despair:
All your sins will round you crowd,
Sins of a blood-crimson dye;
Each for vengeance crying loud,
And what can you reply?Though your heart be made of steel,
Your forehead lined with brass,
God at length will make you feel,
He will not let you pass:
Sinners then in vain will call,
Though they now despise His grace,
“Rocks and mountains on us fall,
And hide us from His face!”But as yet there is a hope
You may His mercy know;
Though His arm is lifted up
He still forbears the blow:
?Twas for sinners Jesus died,
Sinners He invites to come;
None who come shall be denied,
He says, “There still is room.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] There Is Room In His Heart For You
There’s a King from above Who has wonderful love,
And is able to keep men true;
So tho’ great is your sin, if His grace you would win,
There is room in His heart for you.Refrain
There is room in His heart for you,
There is room in His heart for you;
Ocean wide and deep as sea
Is His grace and love for thee,
There is room in His heart for you.If on Him you depend you will have a great Friend,
Who all trials will keep you thro’;
So tho’ far you have strayed, if you ask for His aid,
There is room in His heart for you.Refrain
He has suffered and died, your transgressions to hide,
And is ready still more to do;
For He wants you to love Him on earth and above;
There is room in His heart for you.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:22] Yet There Is Room
“Yet there is room”: the Lamb’s bright hall of song,
With its fair glory, beckons thee along;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.Day is declining, and the sun is low;
The shadows lengthen, light makes haste to go;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.The bridal hall is filling for the feast;
Pass in, pass in, and be the Bridegroom’s guest;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.It fills, it fills, that hall of jubilee!
Make haste, make haste; ’tis not too full for thee;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.Yet there is room: still open stands the gate,
The gate of love; it is not yet too late:
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.O enter in; that banquet is for thee;
That cup of everlasting joy is free;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.All Heaven is there, all joy! Go in, go in;
The angels beckon thee the prize to win:
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.Louder and sweeter sounds the loving call;
Come, lingerer, come; enter that festal hall;
Room, room, still room! O enter, enter now.Ere night that gate may close, and seal thy doom;
Then the last low, long cry, “No room, no room!”
No room, no room! O woeful cry, “No room!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:23] Calm Them In
“Call them in”—the poor, the wretched,
Sin-stained wand’rers from the fold;
Peace and pardon freely offer;
Can you weigh their worth with gold?
“Call them in”—the weak, the weary,
Laden with the doom of sin;
Bid them come and rest in Jesus;
He is waiting—“Call them in.”“Call them in”—the Jew, the Gentile;
Bid the stranger to the feast;
“Call them in”—the rich, the noble,
From the highest to the least:
Forth the Father runs to meet them,
He hath all their sorrows seen;
Robe, and ring, and royal sandals,
Wait the lost ones—“Call them in.”“Call them in”—the mere professors,
Slumbering, sleeping, on death’s brink;
Naught of life are they possessors,
Yet of safety vainly think;
Bring them in—the careless scoffers,
Pleasure seekers of the earth:
Tell of God’s most precious offers,
And of Jesus’ priceless worth.“Call them in”—the broken-hearted,
Cowering ’neath the brand of shame;
Speak Love’s message low and tender,
’Twas for sinners Jesus came:
See, the shadows lengthen round us,
Soon the day-dawn will begin;
Can you leave them lost and lonely?
Christ is coming—“Call them in.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:23] Go And Work!
Christians, wake, no longer sleep;
Shall we rest while others weep?
Shall we sit with folded hands
When the Lord Himself commands?Refrain
Go and work! this hour begin;
Go and seek the lost to win;
From the dark abodes of sin,
To the feast, oh, bring them in!Do we love the Savior’s Name?
Can our faith His promise claim?
Have we pledged to Him our all?
Shall we not obey His call?Refrain
Do we trust Him as we ought?
Do we live as He has taught?
Are we His, and His alone?
Let our faith by works be shown.Refrain
There’s a cross that we must bear
If the crown we hope to wear:
Onward, then, with vigor new;
Time is short, the days are few.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 14:23] Ship Of Fame, The
What ship is this you’re sailing in,
This wondrous ship of fame?
The ship is called the “Church of God”
And Christ’s the Captain’s name.Refrain
Come join our happy crew!
We’re bound for Canaan’s shore!
The Captain says, “There’s room for you
And room for millions more.”What wages do you get on board
This ship that you command?
We’ve love and joy and peace and grace
And glory in the end.Refrain
And what’s the crew that sails with you
On board this ship so grand?
The saints of God all washed in blood
And under Christ’s command.Refrain
Do you not fear the stormy seas
Your bark may overwhelm?
You need not fear—the Lord is near,
And Christ is at the helm!Refrain
Heave out your boat and come on board;
You say there’s plenty room;
The Captain says, “You’re welcome now;
Make no delay, but come.”Refrain
Then hoist the sails and catch the breeze,
And soon the journey’s o’er.
The ship will land you safe at last
On Canaan’s happy shore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal