Luke 2:7
Seeking Lodging (Luke 2:7)
Journey to Bethlehem, The
Arrival at Bethlehem
Arrival at Bethlehem, The
Josef seeking lodging in Bethlehem

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Luke 2
Luke 2:39-40
Jesus Growing Up (Luke 2:40;2:52)
Jesus in Joseph's shop
Child Jesus, The
Christ in the carpenter's shop: The humility of the Saviour *
Infant Jesus saying his prayers, The: "And the grace of God was upon him" *

Luke 2:51-52
The Boy Jesus at the Temple (Luke 2:41-51)
Jesus Growing Up (Luke 2:40;2:52)
Christ-child disputes with the doctors in the temple, The
Jesus among the doctors
Christ among the doctors
Dispute in the temple, The

Jesus in Joseph's shop
Child Jesus, The
Christ in the carpenter's shop: The humility of the Saviour *
Infant Jesus saying his prayers, The: "And the grace of God was upon him" *