Kidung Jemaat
Luke 21:5-28
- Tuhan Tidak Lupa [KJ.390]
1. Tuhan tidak lupa akan orang yang penat,
orang yang berduka dan pikulannya berat.
Yes 49:15
Mat 11:28
2. Tuhan tidak lupa bila orang berseru;
Ia memberikan pertolongan yang perlu.
Mzm 4:4
Mzm 9:13
Mzm 107
Mzm 120:1
3. S'lalu angkat muka dan berharap padaNya.
Tuhan tidak lupa akan anak-anakNya.Luk 21:28
Luke 21:5-28
[Luk 21:7] Coming For Me
Jesus the King is coming
Lo, in the eastern sky,
Signs of approaching glory;
Surely redemption draweth nigh.Refrain
Coming, coming,
Coming again for me;
Soon I shall see my Savior,
Like Him I then shall be.Jesus is quickly coming;
’Twill not be very long
Ere we shall hail our Bridegroom
With all the bright, angelic throng.Refrain
Then all who sleep in Jesus,
Waking shall upward rise;
“We who remain,” together
With them caught up to Paradise.Refrain
O what a glorious prospect!
O what a hope divine!
Thru the eternal ages
Jesus will be forever mine.Refrain
Heir to the life immortal,
Joint ruler on His throne,
Partaker of His glory,
Jesus will be my very own.Refrain
Glory to God the Father,
Glory to Christ the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit
For our redemption freely won.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:7] Son Of Man, To Thee I Cry
Son of Man, to Thee I cry;
By the wondrous mystery
Of Thy dwelling here on earth,
By Thy pure and holy birth,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Son of Man, to Thee I cry;
By Thy bitter agony,
By Thy pangs, to us unknown,
By Thy Spirit’s parting groan,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Prince of Life, to Thee I cry;
By Thy glorious majesty,
By Thy triumph o’er the grave,
Meek to suffer, strong to save,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Lord of Glory, God Most High,
Man exalted to the sky,
With Thy love my bosom fill,
Prompt me now to to Thy will;
Then Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:7] Through The Ages Saints Have Wondered
Through the ages saints have wondered
When the promised day will be,
When in power and brightest glory
Our returning Lord we’ll see;
Searching the Scripture for signs of the times:
Plague, earthquake, famine, false Christs and shrines;
War and commotion, and signs in the sky;
So lift up your heads, redemption then is nigh!But the scoffers mock the promise,
Walking in their lust and pride,
Saying, “Where, then, is your savior?
Nothing changes—he has lied.”
Prophecy fails not! He knew they would speak
Against His Word, deceiving the weak.
Yes, we know Jesus is faithful and true,
Preparing our mansion, making all things new.At the time appointed, angels
Will the silver trumpet peal;
In the heavens shall the nations
See the Son of Man revealed.
Tombs, graves and oceans, relinquish their hold—
Saints from the four winds, now crowned with gold;
Those making merry, now shaking with dread,
For He has returned to judge the quick and dead.But we know not of the hour,
When His promise He will keep;
Therefore must we keep awatching,
Lest our Lord find us asleep.
For all will see Him, with scales and a sword,
Dispensing justice, sure as His Word;
Prepare to meet Him, with lamp in your hand,
The Bridegroom is coming—rise and greet the Lamb!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:12] We Knelt Before Kings
We knelt before kings; we bent before lords;
For theirs were the crowns, and theirs were the swords:
But times of the bending and bowing are past,
The day of the people is dawning at last!We cringed before gold; we deified wealth;
We laid on its altar the life and the health
Of manhood and womanhood, and childhood and youth;
Its lordship is doomed in this day of the truth.The strength of the state we’ll lavish on more
Than massing of wealth and making of war;
We’re learning at last, though the lesson comes late,
The making of man is the task of the state.Great Day of Jehovah! prophets and seers
Have sung of thy coming thousands of years;
Thank God for each sign that the dark night is past;
The day of the people is dawning at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Blessing And Honor And Glory And Power
Blessing and honor and glory and power,
Wisdom and riches and strength evermore
Give ye to Him Who our battle hath won
Whose are the kingdom, the crown, and the throne.Into the heav’n of the heav’ns hath He gone,
Sitteth He now in the joy of the throne,
Weareth He now of the kingdom the crown,
Singeth He now the new song with His own.Soundeth the Heaven of the heavens with His Name;
Ringeth the earth with His glory and fame;
Ocean and mountain, stream, forest, and flower
Echo His praises and tell of His power.Past are the darkness, the storm, and the war,
Come is the radiance, that sparkles afar,
Breaketh the gleam of the day without end,
Riseth the Sun that shall never descend.Ever ascendeth the song and the joy;
Ever descendeth the love from on high;
Blessing and honor and glory and praise,
This is the theme of the hymns that we raise.Life of all life, and true Light of all light,
Star of the dawning unchangingly bright,
Sun of the Salem whose light is the Lamb,
Theme of the ever new, ever glad psalm!Give we the glory and praise to the Lamb;
Take we the robe and the harp and the palm;
Sing we the song of the Lamb that was slain,
Dying in weakness, but rising to reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Eternal Rest
Time’s clock is striking the hour,
Jesus will soon descend,
Clothed in the garments of power,
The reign of sin to end.
Then will this anthem be ringing
Like to a mighty flood,
Then ’round the throne we’ll be singing,
Glory and praise to God.Refrain
Glory, glory to God!
Thus will the ransomed sing;
Glory, glory to God,
The everlasting King!
Praise Him, alleluia!
To that eternal sphere
We are waiting
For our translating;
The time is near.In those bright mansions supernal,
Death cannot enter there;
Ages on ages eternal
His likeness we shall bear.
There will the once brokenhearted
Rest in the spirit know;
Sorrow forever departed,
Gladness shall overflow.Refrain
Sighing forever is ended,
Foes shall oppress no more;
Voices in worship are blended
To Him Whom all adore.
Bathed in the light soft and tender,
Sealed for eternity,
Praise to the Lamb we will render—
Worthy of praise is He.Refrain
Beautiful, wonderful story!
Jesus Himself the Light;
There in the kingdom of glory
Never shall fall the night.
Now I am singing of heaven,
While here I wage the strife;
Then will the victors be given
Crowns of eternal life.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Hope Of The Ages, The
Jesus comes, He comes in glory,
Echoes through the ages hoary
Blessèd hope and thrilling story,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Hope of all the ages past,
King of kings, He comes at last.
Up, ye saints of God awaking!
See the morning light is breaking!
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Jesus comes, the dead are waking,
Earth with mortal pangs is quaking;
Stars are falling, heavens shaking,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Jesus comes, in clouds descending,
Sins restraining, sorrow ending,
Broken ties forever mending,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Jesus comes, all things restoring,
Cry aloud, His grace imploring,
Bow the knee, the King adoring,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] When Jesus Comes In Glory
When Jesus comes in glory,
As Lord and King of kings,
O what a wondrous story
The blessèd Bible brings;
His face will shine like sunlight,
His head be white as snow,
His eyes like flaming firelight,
His feet like brass aglow.His voice like rushing waters
Will reach with mighty sound
Into the deepest quarters
Of all creation round;
And at this wondrous greeting
The dead in Christ shall rise,
Their Lord and Savior meeting,
In glory to the skies.And we who are believing,
And His appearing love,
Shall know we are receiving
His glory from above;
His resurrection power
Will raise us to the place
Where we that wondrous hour
Shall see Him face to face.O hasten Thine appearing,
Thou Bright and Morning Star!
Lord, may we soon be hearing
The trumpet sound afar;
Thy people are all yearning
To be Thy raptured bride,
And at Thine own returning
Be caught up at Thy side.Play source: Cyberhymnal