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Luke 4:42-44


next morning <1096> [when.]

Yet ... crowds ..... and ...... and <1161 2532 3793> [and the.]

Yet ....... and ...... and tried to keep <1161 2532 2722> [and stayed.]


I must <3165 1163> [I must.]

<1519> [therefore.]


<2258> [he.]

<1056> [Galilee.]

Many of the Jewish traditions, in accordance with Isa 9:1, 2, assert that Galilee was the place where the Messiah should first appear. Thus also Isa 2:19, "When he shall arise to smite terribly the earth," is expounded in the book Zohar, as referring to the Messiah: "When he shall arise; [Vayitgaleh be-ar'ah de-galil,] and shall be revealed in the land of Galilee."

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