Luke 5:3
From a Boat (Matthew 13:1-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 5:1-3)
Luke connects this event to the calling of Peter. Matthew and Mark connect it to the parable of the sower.
Calling of the apostles, The. Christ preaches from St. Peter's boat.
Jesus preaches from a ship
Christ preaching at the seaport
Harbour scene with Christ preaching

Matthew 5:1-2
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5--7; Luke 6:17;6:20-49)
The scene described in Luke 6:17 seems to give the setting for the same teaching as in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7
Sermon on the Mount, The
Sermon on the Mount, The
Scene of the Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount, The

(67 Pictures)
Related Topics:
A Tree and Its Fruit ;
About Praying ;
Beatitudes and Woes ;
Do Not Worry! ;
Fasting ;
Love for Enemies ;
The Measure You Use, the Measure You Get ;
The Prayer in Secret ;
The Speck and the Beam ;
The Wise and Foolish Builders ;
The Words of the Lord's Prayer ;
Treasures in Heaven
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 5 ;
Matthew 6 ;
Matthew 7 ;
Luke 6
Matthew 13:1-2
From a Boat (Matthew 13:1-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 5:1-3)
Luke connects this event to the calling of Peter. Matthew and Mark connect it to the parable of the sower.
Calling of the apostles, The. Christ preaches from St. Peter's boat.
Jesus preaches from a ship
Christ preaching at the seaport
Harbour scene with Christ preaching

John 8:2
The Adulterous Woman (John 8:2-11)
Christ and the adulteress
Pharisees bring a woman accused of adultery before Christ
Christ and the adulteress - "Let the one without sin throw the first stone"
Neither do I condemn thee

(65 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
John 8
Acts 13:14-16
In Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-52)
Paul turns to the gentiles
Paul shares the gospel in the synagogue
Paul and Barnabas worshipped and persecuted
Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins

Acts 16:13
Lydia (Acts 16:11-15)
Paul enters Europe
Paul crosses to Europe
Paul preaching to the women
Lydia hears the good news from Paul