Luke 7:18
King Herod, John, and Jesus (Matthew 4:12;11:2-6;14:1-5; Mark 1:14;6:14-20; Luke 3:19; Luke 7:18-23;9:7-9)
St. John the Baptist arrested and imprisoned
John the Baptist rebuking King Herod
John sends disciples to Jesus
Baptist in prison, The

Luke 8:36
The Demon-Possessed from the Tomb (Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:2-20; Luke 8:27-39)
Christ heals a possessed man at Gerasa
Possessed with devils coming out of the tombs, The
Jesus healing the possessed
Possessed with devils coming out of the tombs, The

Luke 18:37
Bartimaeus (Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43)
According to Matthew there were two blind persons getting healed at this occasion
Healing of Bartimaeus, The
Site of Jericho
Christ giving sight to Bartimaeus *
Blind man at Jericho, The