Malachi 1:6
Malachi Preaching (Malachi 1)
A Message for the Priests (Malachi 1:6--2:9)
Malachi preaching
Malachi prophesies
Malachi's word from the Lord

Licet tributum dare Caesari?
Malachi condemning the practice of offering polluted food as sacrifice (?)

John 5:22-23
There is no Arts related to this verses.John 5:1
Up to Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:28; John 2:13;5:1;7:2-13;12:12)
At Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Whereas the first three evangelists record only one journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, John tells us about four
Jerusalem from the hill Scopus, on the north
Jesus goes up to Jerusalem
Jesus does not go up to the feast; the Jews question about him
(3 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 21 ;
Mark 11 ;
Luke 19 ;
John 2 ;
John 5 ;
John 7 ;
John 12
Christ orders a paralytic man to rise and take up his pallet. The man walks away.
Healing the invalid at the pool
Christ and the paralytic
Pool of Bethesda, The

John 4:8
The Woman from Samaria (John 4:4-26)
Christ asks the woman of Samaria for a drink from her jug
Christ and the Samarian woman
Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman
Woman from Samaria, The

(89 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Christ, the Disciples, and the Samaritans ;
The Water of Life
Related Names:
Samaria ;
Christ ;
Related Chapter:
John 4