Kidung Jemaat
Mark 11:11-26
- Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452]
Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play - Puji Tuhan, Haleluya [KJ.391]
1. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
2. Mengapa, orang Kristen, harapanmu lemah?
Tuhanmu berkuasa diatas dunia!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 28:18
3. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
4. Segala sesuatu ditanggung Tuhanmu.
Mengapa lagi takut? Percayalah teguh!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mzm 68:20
5. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
6. Ikutilah Rajamu yang bangkit dan menang;
bebanmu jadi ringan, gelapmu pun terang.
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 11:28-30
7. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
8. Sampaikanlah firmanNya di mana-mana pun,
Serta perbuatanNya teruskan bertekun!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
9. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
10. Damaikanlah sengketa, satukan yang pecah,
Ampuni yang bersalah, lindungi yang lemah!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mrk 11:25
Rm 12:18
Ef 4:32
1 Tes 5:14-15
Yak 3:13-18
11. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
12. Kendati kuasa dunia selalu menentang,
Penindas akan jatuh dan salib t'lah menang!
Kembali ke Reff.Kol 2:10, 15
Mzm 72:4
1 Kor 1:18
Play - Yerusalem, Pusaka Daud [KJ.155]
1. Yerusalem, pusaka Daud, betapa kau berubah!
Mengapakahb tak lagi kau menjunjung citra sorga?
Mesias datang padamu mencari kebajikan,
Wajahmu dingin membeku dan Dia Kausalibkan.
Mrk 11:15-19
Mrk 11:28
2. Yerusalem, mengapakah kausangkal maksud Tuhan?
Dimanakah sejahtera yang harus kauwujudkan?
Di zaman dulu sang Firaun telah berbuat jahat,
Tak ubah kini pun engkau membunuh Jurus'lamat.
Kel 14:5-10
3. Yerusalem, o bundaku, nabi-nabi kaubunuh,
dan yang diutus padamu engkau lempari batu.
Merindu Yesus, Putra Daud, mengumpulkan anakmu;
Engkau ternyata tidak mau, sebab terlalu angkuh.
Mrk 12:1-8
4. Yerusalem, Yerusalem, Rajamu sudah datang!
Seorang Anak Betlehem empunya Kerajaan.
TakhtaNya suci dan teguh, damaiNya tak berlalu
Dan Ia menjadikanmu Yerusalem yang baru.Zkh 9:9
Mat 25:6
Yes 9:5-6
Why 21:2, 9-10
Mark 11:11-26
[Mar 11:13] Nothing But Leaves
Nothing but leaves! The Spirit grieves
O’er years of wasted life;
O’er sins indulged while conscience slept,
O’er vows and promises unkept,
And reap, from years of strife—
Nothing but leaves!
Nothing but leaves!Nothing but leaves! No gathered sheaves
Of life’s fair rip’ning grain:
We sow our seeds; lo! tares and weeds,
Words, idle words, for earnest deeds—
Then reap, with toil and pain,
Nothing but leaves!
Nothing but leaves!Nothing but leaves! Sad mem’ry weaves
No veil to hide the past;
And as we trace our weary way,
And count each lost and misspent day,
We sadly find at last—
Nothing but leaves!
Nothing but leaves!Ah, who shall thus the Master meet,
And bring but withered leaves?
Ah, who shall, at the Savior’s feet,
Before the awful judgment seat,
Lay down, for golden sheaves,
Nothing but leaves!
Nothing but leaves!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:17] Thy Mansion Is The Christian’s Heart
Thy mansion is the Christian’s heart,
O Lord, Thy dwelling-place secure!
Bid the unruly throng depart,
And leave the consecrated door.Devoted as it is to Thee,
A thievish swarm frequents the place;
They steal away my joys from me,
And rob my Savior of His praise.There too a sharp designing trade
Sin, Satan, and the world, maintain;
Nor cease to press me, and persuade,
To part with ease and purchase pain.I know them, and I hate their din,
Am weary of the bustling crowd;
But while their voice is heard within,
I cannot serve Thee as I would.O! for the joy Thy presence gives,
What peace shall reign when Thou art here!
Thy presence makes this den of thieves,
A calm delightful house of prayer.And if Thou make Thy temple thine,
Yet, self-abased, will I adore;
The gold and silver are not mine,
I give Thee what was Thine before.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:23] Creator Of The Stars Of Night
Creator Spirit, by Whose aid
The world’s foundations first were laid,
Come, visit every pious mind;
Come, pour Thy joys on human kind;
From sin, and sorrow set us free;
And make Thy temples worthy Thee.O Source of uncreated Light,
The Father’s promised Paraclete!
Thrice holy Fount, thrice holy Fire,
Our hearts with heav’nly love inspire;
Come, and Thy sacred unction bring
To sanctify us, while we sing!Plenteous of grace, descend from high,
Thou strength of His almighty hand,
Whose pow’r does Heav’n and earth command:
Proceeding Spirit, our Defense,
Who dost the gift of tongues dispense,
And crown’st Thy gift with eloquence!Refine and purge our earthly parts;
But, oh, inflame and fire our hearts!
Our frailties help, our vice control;
Submit the senses to the soul;
And when rebellious they are grown,
Then, lay Thy hand, and hold them down.Create all new; our wills control,
Subdue the rebel in our soul;
Make us eternal truths receive,
And practice all that we believe;
Give us Thyself, that we may see
The Father and the Son by Thee.Immortal honor, endless fame,
Attend th’almighty Father’s Name:
The Savior Son be glorified,
Who for lost man’s redemption died:
And equal adoration be,
Eternal Paraclete, to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:23] Give Me The Faith Which Can Remove
Give me the faith which can remove
And sink the mountain to a plain;
Give me the childlike praying love,
Which longs to build Thy house again;
Thy love, let it my heart overpower,
And all my simple soul devour.I want an even strong desire,
I want a calmly fervent zeal,
To save poor souls out of the fire,
To snatch them from the verge of hell,
And turn them to a pardoning God,
And quench the brands in Jesus’ blood.I would the precious time redeem,
And longer live for this alone,
To spend and to be spent for them
Who have not yet my Savior known;
Fully on these my mission prove,
And only breathe, to breathe Thy love.My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord,
Into Thy blessed hands receive;
And let me live to preach Thy Word,
And let me to Thy glory live;
My every sacred moment spend
In publishing the sinner’s Friend.Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart
With boundless charity divine,
So shall I all strength exert,
And love them with a zeal like Thine,
And lead them to Thy open side,
The sheep for whom the Shepherd died.O that I was as heretofore
When first sent forth in Jesu’s Name.
I rush’d thro’ every open Door,
And cried to All, ‘Behold the Lamb!’
Seiz’d the poor trembling Slaves of Sin,
And forc’d the Outcasts to come in.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 11:23] Only Believe
Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne,
From death into life He went for His own;
All power in earth, all power above,
Is given to Him for the flock of His love.Refrain
Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe,
Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe.Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead,
Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread;
The waters of Marah He’ll sweeten for thee,
He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane.Refrain
Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot,
He enters all rooms, “the doors being shut,”
He never forsakes; He never is gone,
So count on His presence in darkness and dawn.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal