NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Mark 14:54

14:54 kaio petrovapo makroyenhkolouyhsen ewvesw eivthn aulhntou arcierewvkai hntwn uphretwnkai yermainomenovto fwv

Mark 14:66-72

14:66 kaiontov petroukatw enth aulhercetai twnpaidiskwn touarcierewv

14:67 kaiidousa petronyermainomenon legeisu metatou nazarhnouhsya ihsou

14:68 ode hrnhsatooida epistamaiti legeivexhlyen eivto proaulion

14:69 kaih paidiskhidousa hrxatolegein parestwsinoutov exautwn estin <1510> (5748)

14:70 ode palinhrneito metamikron palinoi parestwtevpetrw alhywvex autwnei gargalilaiov ei <1510> (5748)

14:71 ode hrxatoomnunai oukoida anyrwpontouton onlegete <3004> (5719)

14:72 kaieuyuv ekdeuterou alektwrefwnhsen anemnhsyhpetrov torhma wveipen oihsouv otiprin alektoradiv fwnhsaime aparnhshepibalwn <1911> (5631) eklaien <2799> (5707)

Matthew 19:30

19:30 polloide esontaiescatoi kaiescatoi prwtoi

Matthew 20:16

20:16 outwvesontai escatoiprwtoi kaioi prwtoiescatoi

Acts 4:8-13

4:8 totepetrov plhsyeivagiou eipenautouv arcontevtou laoukai presbuteroi

4:9 eihmeiv shmeronanakrinomeya euergesiaanyrwpou asyenouven tinioutov seswstai <4982> (5769)

4:10 gnwstonestw uminkai pantitw lawisrahl otien twonomati ihsoucristou tounazwraiou onumeiv estaurwsateo yeovhgeiren nekrwnen toutwoutov paresthkenumwn ugihv

4:11 outovestin liyovo exouyenhyeivumwn twnoikodomwn ogenomenov kefalhngwniav

4:12 kaiouk estinallw oudenih swthriaoude garonoma estinupo tonouranon todedomenon anyrwpoiven wdei

4:13 yewrountevthn toupetrou parrhsiankai iwannoukai katalabomenoianyrwpoi agrammatoieisin idiwtaieyaumazon autouvoti suntw ihsouhsan <1510> (5713)

Philippians 1:14

1:14 kaitouv pleionavtwn adelfwnen kuriwpepoiyotav desmoivmou perissoterwvtolman tonlogon touyeou lalein <2980> (5721)

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