Kidung Jemaat
Mark 4:37
Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30a] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
1. Angin ribut menyerang menggetarkan hatiku;
ombak ganas menerjang; aku lari padaMu.
Jurus'lamat, tolonglah dan pandukan bidukku,
Hingga aku sampailah di labuhan yang teduh.
Mat 14:22-23
Mrk 4:35-41
Mzm 107:30-31
2. Hanya Tuhan sajalah Perlindungan yang tent'ram.
B'rikan daku yang lemah hati kuat dan tenang.
Dikau saja yang tetap Sumber pengharapanku:
Biar aku Kaudekap di naungan sayapMu.
Yes 25:4
3. Kristus, Kau andalanku, Sumber hidup yang esa.
Kaupulihkan yang sendu, buta, sakit dan lemah.
Dikau suci dan benar, aku ini bercela;
Walau hidupku cemar, Kau penuh anugerah.
Mat 11:5
4. Kelimpahan kasihMu jadi sungai yang segar
menghapuskan dosaku dan membuatku benar.
Air hayat mulia, puaskanlah anakMu,
Hingga Kau selamanya memenuhi batinku.Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:14, 17
Why 22:1-2, 17
Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30b] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
1. Angin ribut menyerang menggetarkan hatiku;
Ombak ganas menerjang; aku lari padaMu.
Jurus'lamat, tolonglah dan pandukan bidukku,
Hingga aku sampailah di labuhan yang teduh.Baht'ra yang Dipandu Yesus [KJ.418]
1. Baht'ra yang dipandu Yesus, panji salib tandanya,
itu baht'ra kes'lamatan bagi orang yang resah.
Meskipun badai menyesah dan ombak menderu,
Dipandu Tuhan baht'raNya ke pantai yang teduh.
Mrk 4:35-41
2. Hai pedosa, mari lihat panji salib terbentang!
Ikut baht'ra Jurus'lamat, agar jangan tenggelam!
Meskipun badai menyesah dan ombak menderu,
Dipandu Tuhan baht'raNya ke pantai yang teduh.
3. Matahari tampak lagi, badai topan pun reda;
bunyi riak mengiringi lagu doa yang lega.
Bersyukurlah dan angkatlah nyanyian yang merdu:
Dipandu Tuhan baht'raNya ke pantai yang teduh!Play Kristus, Penolong Umat yang Percaya [KJ.254]
1. Kristus, Penolong umat yang percaya, Bintang harapan,
b'rikanlah cahaya dalam gelap, ancaman dan bahaya;
tolong, ya Tuhan!
Kis 4:23-31
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Datang, ya Tuhan, datang memerangi ombak dan badai
yang melanda kami. Di kemelut rohani dan jasmani
Kaulah Perisai!
Mrk 4:35-41
Ef 4:14
3. B'rilah Gereja damai dan sentosa, damai sejati
bagi penguasa, damai sejaht'ra bagi tiap bangsa,
damai di hati.1 Tim 2:2
4. Kaulah Pelindung umatMu yang papa, maka namaMu
patut dimuliakan. Kini di bumi dan kekal di sorga,
s'lama-lamanya.Play Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383] ( Yesterday, Today, Forever )
R:Ibr 13:8
1. Sungguh indah kabar mulia; hai percayalah! Yesus Kristus
tak berubah s'lama-lamanya! DarahNya tetap menghapus
dosa dan cela. Ia hibur yang berduka. Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
Yesus Kristus tak berubah, puji namaNya!
3. Ia cari yang berdosa, cari dikau pun. Datanglah, rendahkan hati,
s'rahkan dirimu! Dulukala Ia sambut orang bercela;
kini dikau pun disambut, diampuniNya.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
5. Badai dan gelora laut tunduk padaNya; kini juga badai hati
ditenangkanNya. Ia yang telah bergumul di Getsemani,
mendampingi kita dalam saat yang pedih.
Mrk 4:35-41
Mrk 14:32-42
6. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
7. Yesus yang telah ampuni Petrus yang sesat dan menghapus
kebimbangan Tomas yang bersyak dan selalu mengasihi
murid-muridNya Ia mau menyambut dikau dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 2:15-19
Yoh 20:24-29
8. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
9. Waktu murid ke Emaus Yesus beserta; kita pun di jalan
hidup disertaiNya. Yang terangkat dan kembali,Yesus inilah!
Kita 'kan melihat Dia datang segera!
Luk 24:13-25
Kis 1:9-11
10. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!Play Ya Bapa, Jamah AnakMu [KJ.459] ( Dear Lord and Father of Mankind )
1. Ya Bapa, jamah anakMu serta ampunilah, lenyapkan kerisauanku,
berilah kedamaianMu dan hidup berserah.
2. MuridMu taat mendengar panggilan kasihMu; jadikan
aku pun sedar mengikutMu dengan benar dan beriman teguh.
Mat 10:5-15
Mrk 1:25
3. Betapa suci dan teduh, betapa khidmatnya, ketika Yesus
bertelut esa denganMu, Allahku, di damai yang baka.
Mrk 1:35
Mzm 6:464. Ya Tuhanku, tenangkanlah gejolak nafsuku; prahara, api
dan gempa redalah bila kudengar suaraMu yang lembut.
Mrk 4:35-41
5. Turunkanlah sejahtera yang murni bak embun, teduhkan hati
yang resah; di hidupku wujudkanlah indahnya damaiMu.Mzm 133:3
Play Yesus, Kau Nahkodaku [KJ.409]
1. Yesus, Kau Nahkodaku di samud'ra hidupku.
Badai topan menggeram dan gelombang menyerang.
Kemudikan bidukku, Yesus, Kau Nahkodaku!
Mrk 4:35-41
2. Bak diusap bundanya ronta anak mereda,
ombak dashyat pun teduh, turut p'rintahMu penuh.
'Kau Penguasa laut seru, Yesus, Kau Nahkodaku!
3. Bila tiba saatku melabuhkan bidukku,
waktu ombak mengglegar, b'ri sabdaMu kudengar,
"Jangan takut, anakKu, 'Ku tetap Nahkodamu!"Play
Mark 4:37
[Mar 4:37] Fierce Raged O’er The Tempest Deep
Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep,
Watch did Thine anxious servants keep
But Thou wast wrapped in guileless sleep,
Calm and still.“Save, Lord, we perish,” was their cry,
“O save us in our agony!”
Thy word above the storm rose high,
“Peace, be still.”The wild winds hushed; the angry deep
Sank, like a little child, to sleep;
The sullen billows ceased to leap,
At Thy will.So, when our life is clouded o’er,
And storm winds drift us from the shore,
Say, lest we sink to rise no more,
“Peace, be still.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 4:37] Fierce Was The Storm Of Wind
Fierce was the storm of wind,
The surging waves ran high,
Failed the disciples’ hearts with fear,
Tho’ Thou, their Lord, wast nigh.But at the stern rebuke,
Of Thy almighty word,
The wind was hushed, the billows ceased,
And owned Thee God and Lord.So now, when depths of sin,
Our souls with terrors fill,
Arise, and be our Helper, Lord,
And speak Thy “Peace, be still.”When death’s dark sea we cross,
Be with us in Thy power,
Nor let the water floods prevail
In that dread trial hour.And, when amid the sighs,
Which speak Thine Advent near,
The roaring of the sea and waves
Fills faithless hearts with fear;May we all undismayed
The raging tempests see,
Lift up our head and hail with joy
Thy great Epiphany.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 4:37] Lord, The Wind And Sea Obey Thee
Lord, the wind and sea obey Thee,
Moon and stars their homage pay Thee;
Listen to us, as we pray Thee,
Who on Thee for all depend.Bless all travelers and strangers,
Safely keep the ocean rangers,
Guide them in the midst of dangers:
All to Thee we now commend.Bless the friends we’ve left behind us;
Closer may our parting bind us:
May they dearer, better, find us,
When we reach our journey’s end.On our way, dear Lord, direct us;
Where we err do Thou correct us;
From the powers of ill protect us,
From all perils us defend.May we know Thy presence o’er us,
See Thy guiding hand before us,
Till Thou safely dost restore us,
Love to love and friend to friend.Holy God, in mercy bending,
Human souls with love befriending,
Fit us all for joy unending,
When this earthly course doth end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 4:37] Master, The Tempest Is Raging
Master, the tempest is raging!
The billows are tossing high!
The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness,
No shelter or help is nigh;
Carest Thou not that we perish?
How canst Thou lie asleep,
When each moment so madly is threatening
A grave in the angry deep?Refrain
The winds and the waves shall obey Thy will,
Peace, be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea,
Or demons or men, or whatever it be
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean, and earth, and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, be still! Peace, be still!
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, peace, be still!Master, with anguish of spirit
I bow in my grief today;
The depths of my sad heart are troubled
Oh, waken and save, I pray!
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep o’er my sinking soul;
And I perish! I perish! dear Master
Oh, hasten, and take control.Refrain
Master, the terror is over,
The elements sweetly rest;
Earth’s sun in the calm lake is mirrored,
And heaven’s within my breast;
Linger, O blessèd Redeemer!
Leave me alone no more;
And with joy I shall make the blest harbor,
And rest on the blissful shore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 4:37] O Troubled Sea Of Galilee
O troubled sea of Galilee,
When run thy billows high,
And through thy dreaded storms I see
That pain and death are nigh;
O when thy threatening clouds appear
And floods impending chill,
Through surge and tempest may I hear
A voice say, “Peace, be still.”O storied sea of Galilee,
Through all the changing years,
Thy stress is type of storms to be
And sign of rising fears;
Thy tempests drive our hopes across
The floods of human ill;
The conquest o’er all pain and loss
Is in thy “Peace, be still.”Thou vaster sea than Galilee,
Where may I look for peace?
What wondrous power commanding thee
Can cause thy winds to cease?
Praise God! that o’er all surging tides
There broods His sovereign will;
That in each inmost soul abides
His conquering “Peace, be still.”Play source: Cyberhymnal