Mark 5:23
Jairus Implores Christ's Help (Matthew 9:18; Mark 5:22-24; Luke 8:41)
Woman touches Christ's garment and is heales, A
Hemmorhaging woman is healed, The; Jairus's daughter is raised
Nobleman asks Jesus to heal his son
Ruler's daughter is ill, A

John 11:3
Jesus Is Summoned (John 11:1-16)
Resurrection of Lazarus
Messengers are sent by the sisters about the grave illness of Lazarus
Bethany in the days of Jesus
Messenger kneels before Jesus, The
James 5:14-15
Praying and Caring (James 5:13-20)
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick
This prayer made in faith will heal the sick person
This prayer, made in faith, will heal the sick man *
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
James 5