Mark 6:33
- Report, Break, and Return to Service (Matthew 14:13; Mark 6:30-34; Luke 9:10; John 6:1-3)
Jesus tells the disciples to rest
Disciples rest at the command of Christ, The; afterwards they sail across the sea
He teaches and heals the sick. The crowd is divided into groups.
Jesus was speaking beside the Sea of Galilee
Mark 6:50
- Walking on the Sea (Matthew 14:24-33; Mark 6:47-52; John 6:16-21)
Christ appears at the Lake of Gennesaret and saves St. Peter from drowning
Lord, save me
Jesus and Peter on the water
Jesus walks on the water
Mark 16:5
- The Women at the Tomb (Matthew 28:1;28:5-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-8; John 20:1)
In artwork depicting Christ rising from the tomb, the women are sometimes shown approaching in the background. Such artwork is not always connected to the current heading.
Holy women at Chirst's tomb, The
Resurrection of Christ and women at the tomb
Resurrection, The
Women at the tomb, The
(140 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Earthquake and Resurrection
Related Chapter:
Matthew 28 ;
Mark 16 ;
Luke 24 ;
John 20