Mark 6:36-44
You give ..................... give <1325> [give.]
Should ... go <565> [Shall.]
silver coins <1220> [penny-worth.]
"The Roman penny is sevenpence halfpenny; as Mt 18:28, marg."
hundreds <303 1540> [by hundreds.]
It is generally supposed that they were so arranged as to be a hundred in rank, or depth, and fifty in front, or file; which would make the number just five thousand, and will reconcile this account with Luke's, who only speaks of their sitting down by fifties.
looking up <308> [looked.]
he gave thanks <2127> [blessed.]
8:6,7 14:22 De 8:10 1Sa 9:13 Mt 15:36 26:26 Lu 24:30
Joh 6:11,23 Ac 27:35 Ro 14:6 1Co 10:31 Col 3:17 1Ti 4:4,5 [All]