Matthew 1:13-21
The Genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38)
Joseph's Problem and Dream (Matthew 1:18-25)
The Immaculate Conception (Matthew 1:20)
Tree of Jesse, The
Tree of Jesse, The
Abijah *
Abiud *

Vision of St. Joseph, The
Iesu nativitas
Maria conferens in corde suo
Dream of St. Joseph, The

The expression "The immaculate conception" was originally connected to the conception of Virgin Mary. Anyway, many artworks depicting Mary at the conception of Christ, are called "The immaculate conception". This will explain the title of this subject and the text reference in our system.
Immaculate conception
Immaculate conception, The *
Immaculate conception
Immaculate Virgin Mary

(42 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Matthew 1