Matthew 12:31
for every <3956> [All.]
blasphemy .... blasphemy <988> [blasphemy.]
Blasphemy, [blasphemia <\\See definition 988\\>,] either from [blapto <\\See definition 984\\> ten phemen,] to hurt, or blast the reputation, or from [ballo <\\See definition 906\\> tais phemais,] to smite with words, or reports, when applied to men denotes injurious speaking, or calumny, and when used in reference to God signifies speaking impiously of his nature, attributes, and works.
the <1161> [but.]
Matthew 12:36
every <3956> [every.]
an account .... worthless <692 4487> [idle word.]
[Rhema <\\See definition 4487\\>,] [argos <\\See definition 692\\>,] i.e., [ergo--work/act/deed,] from a, privative, and [ergon <\\See definition 2041\\>,] work, a word that produces no good effect, and is not calculated to produce any. "Discourse," says Dr. Doddridge, "tending to innocent mirth, to exhilarate the spirits, is not idle discourse; as the time spent in necessary recreation is not idle time."