Matthew 13:54
Jesus Teaching and Preaching (Matthew 4:23;9:35;11:1;13:54; Mark 1:39; Luke 4:15;4:44;8:1;13:22;19:47)
Jesus in the Synagogue (Matthew 13:54-57; Mark 6:2-4; Luke 4:16-28)
Artworks that can not be connected to specific biblical accounts, sort under this heading. The texts connected to it are summary statements concerning the ministry of Jesus.
Jesus converses with the doctors of the law
Conversion of the Magdalene, The
Conversion of St. Mary Magdalene, The
Jesus preaching to the multitude

(60 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Sermon on the Mount
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 4 ;
Matthew 9 ;
Matthew 11 ;
Matthew 13 ;
Mark 1 ;
Luke 4 ;
Luke 8 ;
Luke 13 ;
Luke 19
Good news or deliverance, The
Jesus teaching in the synagogue
Christ in the Synagogue
Jesus teaching in the temple

Psalms 45:2
Psalms 45: For the King's Wedding (Psalms 45)
Psalm 45
David foresees the mystic marriage of Christ and the church
King's daughter, The
My tongue is the pen of a scribe who writes swiftly

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 45
Mark 1:22
There is no Arts related to this verses.Mark 6:2
Jesus in the Synagogue (Matthew 13:54-57; Mark 6:2-4; Luke 4:16-28)
Good news or deliverance, The
Jesus teaching in the synagogue
Christ in the Synagogue
Jesus teaching in the temple

Luke 4:22
Jesus in the Synagogue (Matthew 13:54-57; Mark 6:2-4; Luke 4:16-28)
Good news or deliverance, The
Jesus teaching in the synagogue
Christ in the Synagogue
Jesus teaching in the temple

Luke 4:32
There is no Arts related to this verses.Luke 19:48
There is no Arts related to this verses.John 7:15
Preaching at the Feast (John 7:14-24)
Jesus does not go up to the feast; the Jews question about him
Jesus teaches; the Jews conspire against him
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
John 7