NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Matthew 3:2

3:2 legwnh basileiatwn ouranwn

Matthew 4:17

4:17 apotote hrxatoihsouv khrusseinlegein hbasileia twnouranwn

Matthew 13:44-46

13:44 omoiaestin basileiatwn ouranwnyhsaurw kekrummenwtw agrwon eurwnekruqen apothv caravautou upageipwlei eceiagorazei agronekeinon

13:45 palinomoia estinbasileia twnouranwn emporwzhtounti margaritav

13:46 eurwnena polutimonmargarithn apelywnosa eicenhgorasen

Acts 20:25

20:25 kainun idouoida ouketioqesye proswponmou umeivpantev enoiv dihlyonbasileian

Acts 28:31

28:31 khrusswnbasileian touyeou kaididaskwn peritou kuriouihsou cristoumeta pashvparrhsiav akwlutwv

Romans 14:17

14:17 ougar estinbasileia touyeou brwsivkai posivalla dikaiosunhkai eirhnhkai caraen pneumatiagiw

Colossians 1:13-14

1:13 overrusato ekthv exousiavtou skotouvkai metesthsenthn basileiantou uiouthv agaphvautou

1:14 enw ecomenapolutrwsin thnafesin twnamartiwn

Colossians 1:2

1:2 toiven kolossaivagioiv kaipistoiv adelfoiven cristwcariv uminkai eirhnhapo yeoupatrov hmwn

Colossians 1:5

1:5 diathn elpidathn apokeimenhnen toivouranoiv hnprohkousate twlogw thvalhyeiav toueuaggeliou

Colossians 1:2

1:2 toiven kolossaivagioiv kaipistoiv adelfoiven cristwcariv uminkai eirhnhapo yeoupatrov hmwn

Colossians 1:11

1:11 enpash dunameidunamoumenoi tokratov thvdoxhv autoueiv pasanupomonhn kaimakroyumian metacarav

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