Matthew 4:24
There is no Arts related to this verses.Matthew 9:2
The Paralytic (Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:2-12; Luke 5:19-26)
Jesus heals the man with palsy
Sick of the palsie let down through the tiling, The
Jesus heals the lame
Palsied man forgiven

Mark 2:3-12
The Paralytic (Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:2-12; Luke 5:19-26)
Jesus heals the man with palsy
Sick of the palsie let down through the tiling, The
Jesus heals the lame
Palsied man forgiven

Acts 8:7
Preaching and Baptizing in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25)
Sin of Simon, The
Conversions of the Samaritans, and the Ethiopian eunuch
Philip at Samaria
Simon the sorcerer

Acts 9:33
Peter Heals Aeneas (Acts 9:32-35)
Peter heals Aeneas