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Kidung Jemaat
Matthew 6:12
Berilah, Bapa, Hari Ini [KJ.468]
1. B'rilah, Bapa, hari ini kami makan secukupnya. Dan ampuni salah kami; kami saling mengampuni: Datang KerajaanMu! Amin.
Mat 6:11-12
2. Bukan untuk hari esok berlebihan kami cari; hanya untuk hari ini kami mohon secukupnya: damai KerajaanMu! Amin.
Kel 16:17-24 Mat 6:33-34
3. B'rilah, Bapa, hari ini pengampunan secukupnya; agar kami membagikan ampun dan makanan pula dalam KerajaanMu! Amin.
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Matthew 6:14-15
[Mat 6:14] Let Something Good Be Said
When o’er the fame of friend or foe, The shadow of disgrace shall fall; instead Of words of blame, or fatal blow— Let something good be said. Refrain And so I charge ye by the thorny crown, And by the cross on which the Savior bled, And by your own soul’s hope of fair renown: Let something be good said. Forget not grace, no sinner yet May fall so low but Christ can lift his head, While cheeks of shame with tears are wet; Let something be good said. Refrain No generous heart may turn aside To deeds of love—if they in sin be dead, But may awaken glorified, If something good be said. Refrain If cruel words embitter thee, Turn to the cross on Calvary, where said The Savior: “O forgive,” and see That something good be said. Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
[Mat 6:14] Think Gently Of The Erring One
Think gently of the erring one; O let us not forget, However darkly stained by sin, He is our brother yet! Heir of the same inheritance, Child of the selfsame God, He hath but stumbled in the path We have in weakness trod. Speak gently to the erring ones: We yet may lead them back, With holy words, and tones of love, From misery’s thorny track. Forget not, brother, thou hast sinned, And sinful yet may’st be; Deal gently with the erring heart, As God has dealt with thee. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |