Matthew 6:30
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5--7; Luke 6:17;6:20-49)
Do Not Worry! (Matthew 6:25-34; Luke 12:22-32)
The scene described in Luke 6:17 seems to give the setting for the same teaching as in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7
Sermon on the Mount, The
Sermon on the Mount, The
Scene of the Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount, The

(67 Pictures)
Related Topics:
A Tree and Its Fruit ;
About Praying ;
Beatitudes and Woes ;
Do Not Worry! ;
Fasting ;
Love for Enemies ;
The Measure You Use, the Measure You Get ;
The Prayer in Secret ;
The Speck and the Beam ;
The Wise and Foolish Builders ;
The Words of the Lord's Prayer ;
Treasures in Heaven
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 5 ;
Matthew 6 ;
Matthew 7 ;
Luke 6
Consider the lilies
They toil not, neither do they spin
Consider the lilies how they grow
And Solomon in all his glory...

Matthew 8:26
Calming the Storm (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)
Christ stills the storm on the Sea of Galilee
Sleep of Jesus during the storm
Asleep in the storm
Jesus calms the storm

Matthew 14:31
Walking on the Sea (Matthew 14:24-33; Mark 6:47-52; John 6:16-21)
Christ appears at the Lake of Gennesaret and saves St. Peter from drowning
Lord, save me
Jesus and Peter on the water
Jesus walks on the water

Mark 16:14
Appearing to the Eleven (Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-49; John 20:19-23)
According to the Johannine account, there can not have been more than ten disciples at the first appearance, as Thomas was not present
Peace be unto you
Christ appearing to the apostles
Jesus appears to his disciples
Christ appearing to the apostles after the resurrection