[7:21] 1 sn The double use of the vocative is normally used in situations of high emotion or emphasis. Even an emphatic confession without action means little.
[6:46] 2 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.
[6:46] 3 tn The double use of the vocative is normally used in situations of high emotion or emphasis. Even an emphatic confession without action means little.
[6:46] 4 sn Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do what I tell you? Respect is not a matter of mere words, but is reflected in obedient action. This short saying, which is much simpler than its more developed conceptual parallel in Matt 7:21-23, serves in this form to simply warn and issue a call to hear and obey, as the last parable also does in vv. 47-49.