Matthew 7:3-9
Why <5101> [why.]
but <1161> [but.]
hypocrite <5273> [Thou hypocrite.]
First <4412> [first.]
<3588> [that.]
throw <906> [cast.]
turn around <4762> [turn.]
and it will be given ..... and ...... and .... will be opened <2532 1325 455> [and it.]
11 21:22 1Ki 3:5 Ps 10:17 50:15 86:5 145:18,19 Isa 55:6,7
Jer 29:12,13 33:3 Mr 11:24 Lu 11:9,10,13 18:1 Joh 4:10
Joh 14:13,14 15:7,16 16:23,24 Jas 1:5,6 5:15 1Jo 3:22 5:14,15
Re 3:17,18 [All]
seek <2212> [seek.]
knock <2925> [knock.]