Micah 3:12
Leaders and Prophets Rebuked (Micah 3)
Prophets give their revelations for money, The
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Micah 3
Micah 3:2
Leaders and Prophets Rebuked (Micah 3)
Prophets give their revelations for money, The
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Micah 3
Micah 1:1
Micah Preaching (Micah 1)
The Word Comes to Micah (Micah 1:1)
Micah exhorting the Israelites to repentance
Micah prophesying
Prophet Micah foretells the birth of Christ
Micah prophesying

Micah is called by the Lord to prophesy
Angel before Micah, An
Isaiah 25:2
There is no Arts related to this verses.Isaiah 25:12
There is no Arts related to this verses.Jeremiah 9:11
Israel Has Rejected the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 8:4--9:26)
Harvest is past, the summer is ended, The
I am sick at heart
Like a vine with no grapes, like a fig-tree with no figs
Jeremiah 51:37
There is no Arts related to this verses.Hosea 13:16
The Lord's Anger against Israel (Hosea 13)
I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death
Like a leopard I will lie in wait
They make idols for themselves