Matthew 2:13-16
Joseph Warned by the Angel (Matthew 2:13)
The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:14; Matthew 2:19-22)
The Massacre of the Innocents (Matthew 2:16)
Angel tells Joseph to flee to Egypt, An
Announcement to Joseph, The
Angel appearing to Joseph in a dream, The
Angel appearing to Joseph in his dream, The

The artworks depicting the flight into Egypt often contain legendary elements
Butcher's stall with the flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt, The
Landscape with the holy family
Rest on the flight into Egypt, The

Massacre of the innocents, The
Massacre of the innocents
Massacre of the innocents
Massacre of the innocents, The

(105 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Flight into Egypt
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 2
Luke 13:31-33
There is no Arts related to this verses.Luke 23:7-12
The Questioning (Luke 23:8-10)
The Mocking (Matthew 26:67; Matthew 27:27-31; Mark 14:65;15:16-20; Luke 22:63-65;23:11; John 19:2)
Sent Back to Pilate (Luke 23:11)
Christ before Herod
Jesus before King Herod
Christ before Herod
Herod questions Jesus

(17 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Luke 23
As it is sometimes difficult to decide whether a picture depicts the mocking before the Sanhedrin, the one in which Herod takes part, or the one executed at Pilate's, all passion pictures of the mocking of Christ will be connected to the current heading sorting under both "Before the Sanhedrin", "Before Herod", and "Before Pilate". According to the accounts of the evangelists, the first scene (before the Sanhedrin) includes spitting, beating, covering of the face, and mockery, whereas the scene at Pilate's also contains the elements of the robe, the crown of thorns, and the staff. The mockery by Pilate's soldiers is not mentioned by Luke, but he connects a similar scene, including the element of the robe, to the Herod questioning.
Mocking of Christ
Mocking of Christ, The
Mocking of Christ, The
Crowning with thorns, The

(154 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Matthew 26 ;
Matthew 27 ;
Mark 14 ;
Mark 15 ;
Luke 22 ;
Luke 23 ;
John 19
Christ led from Herod to Pilate
Christ sent back to Pilate
Jesus is sent back from Herod to Pilate
What happened before Herod