Nehemiah 9:32
Reading the Law, Confessing the Sins (Nehemiah 8:1-12;8:18;9:1-37)
Ezra reads the Torah
Ezra reading the Law in the hearing of the people
Ezra Reads the book of the Law
Proclamation of the word

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Nehemiah 8 ;
Nehemiah 9
Job 7:7
Suffering Is My Fate (Job 7)
Complaint of Job, The: "What is man that Thou shouldest try him every moment?"
Complaint of Job, The: "What is man that Thou shouldest try him every moment?" *
Job, his wife and his friends: The complaint of Job
Job's evil dreams

(9 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Job 7
Psalms 89:47
Psalms 89: Has the Lord Abandoned His Promises? (Psalms 89)
Psalm 89
Horn exalted
Death comes to us all
I have found David my servant, I have anointed him with my holy oil

Psalms 89:50
Psalms 89: Has the Lord Abandoned His Promises? (Psalms 89)
Psalm 89
Horn exalted
Death comes to us all
I have found David my servant, I have anointed him with my holy oil

Psalms 132:1
Psalms 132: Zion and the Seed of David (Psalms 132)
Psalm 132
If I shall give sleep to my eyes and slumbering to my eyelid