Nehemiah 7:1-4
wall <02346> [the wall.]
positioned <05975> [I had set up.]
gatekeepers <07778> [the porters.]
brother <0251> [my brother.]
Hananiah <02608> [Hananiah.]
chief <08269> [the ruler.]
faithful man <0376 0571> [a faithful man.]
feared God <0430 03372> [feared God.]
gates <08179> [Let not the gates.]
This is, the gates were not to be opened till sun-rise, and to be shut at sun-set; which is still the custom in many cities of the East. If a traveller arrives after sun-set, he finds the gates shut, and on no consideration will they open them till morning.
some ....... some .... homes <0376 01004> [every one to be.]
spread .... large <01419 07342> [large and great. Heb. broad in spaces. the houses.]