Numbers 10:12
There is no Arts related to this verses.Numbers 12:16
The Lord's Anger against Miriam and Aaron (Numbers 12)
Aaron and Miriam complain of Moses and are rebuked by God
Moses prays for Miriam to be healed
Miriam and Aaron complain against Moses
O God, heal her! *

Numbers 13:3
Exploring Canaan (Numbers 13; Deuteronomy 1:22-25)
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Return of the Israelite spies, The
Entry into Jerusalem, The

Numbers 13:26
Exploring Canaan (Numbers 13; Deuteronomy 1:22-25)
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Return of the Israelite spies, The
Entry into Jerusalem, The

Numbers 13:1
Exploring Canaan (Numbers 13; Deuteronomy 1:22-25)
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Return of the Israelite spies, The
Entry into Jerusalem, The

Numbers 25:1
Moab Seduces Israel (Numbers 25)
Israelites are killed for worshipping Baal-Peor. Phinehas kills Zimri and Cozbi.
Moab leads Israel into sin
Moab leads Israel into sin
Impalement by Phinehas
(4 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Numbers 25