Numbers 13:17
Exploring Canaan (Numbers 13; Deuteronomy 1:22-25)
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Spies return from Canaan carrying a large bunch of grapes, The
Return of the Israelite spies, The
Entry into Jerusalem, The

Joshua 2:1
Rahab and the Spies (Joshua 2)
Escape from Rahab's house
Rahab and the spies of Jericho
Her house was upon the town-wall
Spies escape, The

Proverbs 20:18
The Blameless Life of the Righteous (Proverbs 20)
Wine the mocker
Even a child is known by his doings
Therefore shall he beg in harvest
Ears that hear and eyes that see

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 20
Luke 14:31
Sending Out the Apostles (Matthew 10:5-42; Mark 6:7-11; Luke 9:1-5;14:25-35)
Matthew connects the theme of the cost of discipleship to this occasion. This is the reason for adding the text from Luke 14 to the list on the present page.
Twelve sent out, The
Exhortation of Christ to the apostles, The
Jesus sending out the apostles
Jesus sends out the apostles

(9 Pictures)
Related Topics:
At the Return of the Seventy ;
Higher Worth than Sparrows ;
Lambs among Wolves ;
Receiving a Disciple ;
The Apostles and Their Hosts
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 10 ;
Mark 6 ;
Luke 9 ;
Luke 14