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Numbers 16:1


Korah <07141> [Korah.]

son ..... son ..... son ......... sons ...... son ...... Reubenites <01121 07205> [sons of Reuben.]

took <03947> [took men.]

As the word men is not in the text, some read "took counsel;" and some "took courage." Houbigant renders {yikkach, rebellionem fecerunt,} "they rebelled;" which scarcely any rule of criticism can ever justify. Dr. Geddes' translation is, "Another insurrection was raised against Moses by Korah," etc. Others think that it may mean, "behaved with insolence." But, as Dr. A. Clarke observes, the verb {wyyikkach,} "and he took" which though at the end of the sentence in English, is the first word in Hebrew, is not in the plural, but the singular; and hence cannot be applied to the acts of all these chiefs. In every part of the Scripture, where this rebellion is referred to, it is attributed to Korah, therefore the verb here belongs to him; and the whole verse should be translated, "Now Korah, son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, he took even Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth, son of Reuben, and they rose up," etc.; reading, with some MSS., the Samaritan, and Septuagint, {ben,} son, instead of {beney,} sons.

Numbers 16:31-33



earth <0776> [the earth.]

men <0120> [all the.]


pit <07585> [into the.]

perished <06> [they perished.]

Numbers 26:9-10



earth opened <06605 0776> [earth opened.]

Korah <07141> [together.]

The Samaritan text does not intimate that Korah was swallowed up, but that he was burnt, as appears to have been the fact; and the Psalmist also, (Ps 106:17,) only mentions Dathan and Abiram as having been swallowed up. "And the earth swallowed them up, what time that company died; and the fire devoured Korah with the 250 men, who became a sign."

warning <05251> [they became a sign.]

Numbers 27:3


Rosenmuller translates this verse as follows: "Our father died in the wilderness, leaving no sons; nor was he among those who rebelled against the Lord with Korah, who died on account of his own sin." Professor Dathe, however, understands by "his own sin," that sin which was common to all the Israelites, who died on account of their unbelief.

died .... wilderness .......................... died <04191 04057> [died in the.]

company ............. company <05712> [in the company.]

died ............................. died ..... sin <04191 02399> [died in his.]

Psalms 106:17


TIP #15: Use the Strong Number links to learn about the original Hebrew and Greek text. [ALL]
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