Numbers 22:28-29
Balaam (Numbers 22--24)
Balaam is taken up to the high places of Baal and sees the Israelites
Balaam's way is barred by an angel
Balaam blessing the Israelites
Balaam's donkey

Ecclesiastes 4:10
There is no Arts related to this verses.Ecclesiastes 4:1
Oppression in the World (Ecclesiastes 4:1-8)
Better a handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit
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Related Chapter:
Ecclesiastes 4
Ecclesiastes 3:7
A Time for Everything (Ecclesiastes 3)
Bridge of life, The
Time for silence - a time for speaking, A
Time for war - a time for peace, A
Time to be born - a time to die, A

(15 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Ecclesiastes 3