Numbers 23:22
Balaam (Numbers 22--24)
Balaam is taken up to the high places of Baal and sees the Israelites
Balaam's way is barred by an angel
Balaam blessing the Israelites
Balaam's donkey

Numbers 24:8
Balaam (Numbers 22--24)
Balaam is taken up to the high places of Baal and sees the Israelites
Balaam's way is barred by an angel
Balaam blessing the Israelites
Balaam's donkey

Numbers 24:1
Balaam (Numbers 22--24)
Balaam is taken up to the high places of Baal and sees the Israelites
Balaam's way is barred by an angel
Balaam blessing the Israelites
Balaam's donkey

Numbers 2:20
The Numbering of the Israelites (Numbers 1--4)
Moses is ordered to number the people
Moses is ordered by God to number the people
God speaks to Moses in the Tabernacle
Moses numbers the people