Numbers 1:14
Eliasaph <0460> [Eliasaph.]
son <01121> [Son of Reuel.]
Deuel <01845> [Deuel.]
As the [d,] {daleth} is very like the [r,] {resh,} they might be easily mistaken for each other; and hence this person being called both D‰uel and R‰uel, may be easily accounted for. The Septuagint and Syriac have Reuel, in this chapter; and in ch. 2:14, the Samaritan, Vulgate, and Arabic have Deuel, instead of Reuel, with which reading a vast number of MSS. concur, and which is also supported by ch. 7:42, 10:20. We may therefore safely conclude, the D‰uel, and not R‰uel, was the original reading.
Numbers 7:42
son <01121> [Son of Reuel.]
Numbers 7:47
Numbers 10:20
Eliasaph <0460> [Eliasaph.]
tribe ....... son <01121> [son of Reuel.]