NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Numbers 31:9


Numbers 31:12


plains ... Moab <04124 06160> [the plains of Moab.]

Numbers 31:18


yours <02421> [keep alive for yourselves.]

It has been groundlessly asserted, that Moses here authorised the Israelites to make concubines of the whole number of female children; and an insidious objection against his writings has been grounded upon this monstrous supposition. But the whole tenor of the law, and especially a statute recorded in De 21:10-14, proves most decisively to the contrary. They were merely permitted to possess them as female slaves, educating them in their families, and employing them as domestics; for the laws concerning fornication, concubinage, and marriage, were in full force, and prohibited an Israelite even from marrying a captive, without delays and previous formalities; and if he afterwards divorced her, he was to set here at liberty, "because he had humbled her."

Numbers 31:35-54


Eleazar <0499> [Eleazar.]


Levites <03881> [the Levites.]

responsible .... care <04931 08104> [kept the charge.]


authority <03027> [charge. Heb. hand. lacketh.]


brought <07126> [therefore brought.]

The officers of the army having mustered their men, found they had not lost a man in the contest with Midian! Penetrated with gratitude for this most remarkable interposition of Providence in their favour, they now offer to Jehovah the golden jewels which they had found among the spoil, to the amount of 16,750 shekels, equal to Å“37,869 16s. 5d. of our money.

offering <07133> [an oblation.]

found <04672> [gotten. Heb. found. an atonement.]



offering <08641> [offering. Heb. heave-offering.]



memorial <02146> [a memorial.]

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