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Numbers 34:3


southern border ............... southern <06285 05045> [south quarter.]

eastward ....... Salt Sea <03220 06924 04417> [salt sea eastward.]

The lake Asphaltites, Dead sea, or Salt sea, is, according to the most authentic accounts, about 70 miles in length, and 18 in breadth. Viewing this sea from the spot where the Jordan discharges its waters into it, it takes a south-easterly direction, visible for ten or fifteen miles, when it disappears in a curve towards the east. Its surface is generally unruffled, from the hollow of the basin in which it lies scarcely admitting the free passage necessary for a strong breeze: it is, however, for the same reason, subject to whirlwinds or squalls of short duration. The mountains on each side are apparently separated by a distance of eight miles; but the expanse of water at this point has been supposed not to exceed five or six: as it advances towards the south, it evidently increases in breadth. The acrid saltness of its waters is much greater than that of the sea; and of such specific gravity that bodies will float on it that would sink in common sea-water. It is probably on this account that few fish can live in it; though the monks of St. Saba affirmed to Dr. Shaw, that they had seen fish caught in it.

Genesis 13:10


saw <07200> [and beheld.]

region <03603> [the plain.]

garden <01588> [the garden.]

Zoar <06820> [Zoar.]

Instead of "Zoar," which was situated at the extremity of the plain of Jordan, the Syriac reads "Zoan," which was situated in the south of Egypt, and in a well-watered country.

Genesis 14:3


Salt Sea <03220 04417> [salt sea.]

Genesis 19:24-26


Lord .................... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

sulfur <01614> [brimstone.]

The word rendered "brimstone," (q.d. brennestone, or brinnestone, {id est} burning-stone,) is always rendered by the LXX. "sulphur," and seems to denote a meteorous inflammable matter.



Lot's ... looked <05027> [looked.]

This unhappy woman, says the Rev. T. Scott, "looked back," contrary to God's express command, perhaps with a hope of returning, which latter supposition is favoured by our Lord's words, "Let him not return back: remember Lot's wife." She was, therefore, instantaneously struck dead and petrified, and thus remained to after ages a visible monument of the Divine displeasure.

pillar <05333> [and.]

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