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Numbers 6:2


man <0376> [When.]

special .... take ........ separate <06381 05087 05144 03068> [separate themselves.]

The word {yaphli,} rendered "shall separate themselves," signifies, "the doing of something extraordinary," and is the same word as is used concerning the making a singular vow. (Le 27:2); it seems to convey the idea of a person's acting from extraordinary zeal for God and religion.

take <05087> [to vow.]

separate <05144 03068> [to separate themselves. or, to make themselves Nazarites.]

{Lahazzir,} from {nazar,} to be separate; hence {nazir,} a Nazarite, i.e., a person separated; one peculiarly devoted to the service of God by being separated from all servile employments. The Nazarites were of two kinds: such as were devoted to God by their parents in their infancy, or even sometimes before they were born; and such as devoted themselves. The former were Nazarites for life; and the latter commonly bound themselves to observe the laws of the Nazarites for a limited time. The Nazarites for life were not bound to the same strictness as the others, concerning whom the laws relate.

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