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Philippians 3:4-16

3:4 kaiperegw ecwnkai ensarki eitiv dokeipepoiyenai sarkiegw mallon

3:5 peritomhoktahmerov ekgenouv israhlfulhv beniaminebraiov exebraiwn katanomon farisaiov

3:6 katazhlov diwkwnekklhsian katadikaiosunhn thnen nomwgenomenov

3:7 allaatina hnkerdh tautahghmai toncriston zhmian

3:8 allamenounge kaihgoumai zhmianeinai touperecon gnwsewvcristou ihsoutou kurioumou dion tapanta ezhmiwyhnhgoumai inacriston kerdhsw <2770> (5661)

3:9 kaieureyw autwmh ecwndikaiosunhn thnek nomoualla thndia pistewvcristou thnek yeoudikaiosunhn epith pistei

3:10 tougnwnai kaithn dunaminthv anastasewvautou kaikoinwnian payhmatwnautou summorfizomenovyanatw autou

3:11 eipwv katanthswthn exanastasinthn eknekrwn

3:12 oucoti hdhelabon hdhteteleiwmai eikai katalabww kaikatelhmfyhn cristou[ihsou]

3:13 adelfoiegw emautonoupw logizomaide tamen opiswepilanyanomenov deemprosyen epekteinomenov <1901> (5740)

3:14 kataskopon diwkwto brabeionthv anwklhsewv touyeou encristw ihsou

3:15 osoioun teleioitouto fronwmenei tieterwv froneitetouto oyeov uminapokaluqei <601> (5692)

3:16 plhneiv oefyasamen autwstoicein <4748> (5721)

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