Kidung Jemaat
There is no Kidung Jemaat related to this verses.Hymns
The Song of Songs 4:1--7:13
[Sos 4:16] Christ Hath A Garden
We are a garden walled around,
Chosen and made peculiar ground;
A little spot enclosed by grace
Out of the world’s wide wilderness.Like trees of myrrh and spice we stand,
Planted by God the Father’s hand;
And all His springs in Zion flow,
To make the young plantation grow.Awake, O, heav’nly wind! and come,
Blow on this garden of perfume;
Spirit divine! descend and breathe
A gracious gale on plants beneath.Make our best spices flow abroad,
To entertain our Savior God
And faith, and love, and joy appear,
And every grace be active here.Let my Belovèd come and taste
His pleasant fruits at His own feast:
“I come, My spouse, I come!” He cries,
With love and pleasure in His eyes.Our Lord into His garden comes,
Well pleased to smell our poor perfumes,
And calls us to a feast divine,
Sweeter than honey, milk, or wine.“Eat of the tree of life, My friends,
The blessings that My Father sends;
Your taste shall all My dainties prove,
And drink abundance of My love.”Jesus, we will frequent Thy board,
And sing the bounties of our Lord;
But the rich food on which we live
Demands more praise than tongues can give.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 4:16] O Holy Ghost, Thy People Bless
O Holy Ghost, Thy people bless
Who long to feel Thy might,
And fain would grow in holiness
As children of the light.To Thee we bring, who art the Lord,
Ourselves to be Thy throne;
Let every thought and deed and word
Thy pure dominion own.Life giving Spirit, o’er us move,
As on the formless deep;
Give life and order, light and love,
Where now is death or sleep.Great Gift of our ascended King,
His saving truth reveal;
Our tongues inspire His praise to sing,
Our hearts His love to feel.True Wind of Heav’n, from south or north,
For joy or chastening, blow;
The garden spices shall spring forth
If Thou wilt bid them flow.O Holy Ghost, of sevenfold might,
All graces come from Thee;
Grant us to know and serve aright
One God in Persons Three.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 5:9] Wond’ring World Inquires To Know, The
The wond’ring world inquires to know
Why I should love my Jesus so:
“What are His charms,” say they, “above
The objects of a mortal love?”Yes! my Belovèd, to my sight
Shows a sweet mixture, red and white:
All human beauties, all divine,
In my Belovèd meet and shine.White is His soul, from blemish free;
Red with the blood He shed for me;
The fairest of ten thousand fairs;
A sun among ten thousand stars.His head the finest gold excels;
There wisdom in perfection dwells,
And glory like a crown adorns
Those temples once beset with thorns.Compassions in His heart are found,
Hard by the signals of His wound:
His sacred side no more shall bear
The cruel scourge, the piercing spear.His hands are fairer to behold
Than diamonds set in rings of gold;
Those heav’nly hands, that on the tree
Were nailed, and torn, and bled for me!Though once He bowed His feeble knees,
Loaded with sins and agonies,
Now on the throne of His command
His legs like marble pillars stand.His eyes are majesty and love,
The eagle tempered with the dove;
No more shall trickling sorrows roll
Through those dear windows of His soul.His mouth, that poured out long complaints,
Now smiles and cheers His fainting saints;
His countenance more graceful is
Than Lebanon with all its trees.All over glorious is my Lord;
Must be beloved, and yet adored;
His worth if all the the nations knew,
Sure the whole earth would love Him, too.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 5:10] Savior Comes, No Outward Pomp, The
The Saviour comes, no outward pomp,
Bespeaks His presence nigh;
No earthly beauty shines in Him,
To draw the carnal eye.Refrain
All beauty may we ever see,
In God’s belovèd Son,
The chiefest of ten thousand He,
The only lovely One!Rejected and despised of men,
Behold a man of woe!
Grief was His close companion here,
Through all His life below.Refrain
Yet all the griefs He felt were ours,
Ours were the woes He bore;
Pangs not His own, His spotless soul,
With bitter anguish tore.Refrain
We all like sheep had gone astray,
In ruin’s fatal road;
On Him were our transgressions laid;
He bore the mighty load.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 5:16] My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy And Blessing
My soul’s best Friend, what joy and blessing
My spirit ever finds in Thee!
From gloomy depths of doubt distressing
Into Thine arms for rest I flee.
There will the night of sorrow vanish
When from my heart Thy love doth banish.
All anguish and all pain and fear.
Yea, here on earth begins my heaven;
Who would not joyful be when given
A loving Savior always near!For though the evil world revile me
And prove herself my bitter foe
Or by her smile seek to beguile me,
I trust her not; her wiles I know.
In Thee alone my soul rejoices,
Thy praise alone it gladly voices,
For Thou art true when friendships flee.
The world may hate but cannot fell me;
Would mighty waves of trial quell me
I anchor in Thy loyalty.Thro’ deserts of the cross Thou leadest;
I follow, leaning on Thy hand.
From out the cloud Thy child Thou feedest
And givest water from the sand.
I trust Thy ways, howe’er distressing;
For I know my path will end in blessing;
Enough that Thou wilt be my Stay.
For whom to honor Thou intendest
Oft into sorrow’s vale Thou sendest;
The night must e’er precede the day.My soul’s best Friend, how well contented
Am I, reposing on Thy breast;
By sin no more am I tormented
Since Thou dost grant me peace and rest.
Oh, may the grace that Thou has given
For me a foretaste be of Heaven,
Where I shall bask in joys divine!
Away, vain world, with fleeting pleasures;
In Christ I have abiding treasures.
O, comfort sweet, my Friend is mine!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 5:16] O God Of Loveliness
O God of loveliness, O Lord of Heaven above,
How worthy to possess my heart’s devoted love.
So sweet Thy countenance, so gracious to behold
That one, one only glance to me were bliss untold.Thou art blest Three in One, yet undivided still,
Thou art the One alone, whose love my heart can fill.
The heav’ns and earth below were fashioned by Thy Word,
How amiable art Thou, my ever dearest Lord.To think Thou art my God—O thought forever blest!
My heart has overflowed with joy within my breast.
My soul so full of bliss, is plunged as in a sea,
Deep in the sweet abyss of holy charity.O Loveliness supreme, and Beauty infinite,
O ever flowing Stream and Ocean of delight,
O Life by which I live, my truest Life above,
To Thee alone I give my undivided love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 6:10] Fairest Lord Jesus
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,
O Thou of God and man the Son,
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy and crown.Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
Who makes the woeful heart to sing.Fair is the sunshine,
Fairer still the moonlight,
And all the twinkling starry host;
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels heaven can boast.All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly,
Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer,
Than Thou, my Savior, art to me.Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations!
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, praise, adoration,
Now and forever more be Thine.Beautiful Savior, King of Creation
Son of God and Son of Man!
Truly I’d love Thee, truly I’d serve Thee,
Light of my soul, my joy, my crown.Fair are the meadows, Fair are the woodlands,
Robed in the flowers of blooming spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
He makes our sorrowing spirit sing.Fair is the sunshine, Fair is the moonlight,
Bright the sparkling stars on high;
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels in the sky.Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, Praise, adoration
Now and forevermore be Thine!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 6:10] O Jesu, Thou The Beauty Art
O Jesu, Thou the beauty art
Of angel worlds above;
Thy Name is music to the heart,
Enchanting it with love.Celestial sweetness unalloyed!
Who eat Thee hunger still:
Who drink of Thee still feel a void,
Which naught but Thou can fill.O my sweet Jesus! hear the sighs
Which unto Thee I send;
To Thee mine inmost spirit cries,
My being’s hope and end!Stay with us, Lord, and with Thy light
Illume the soul’s abyss;
Scatter the darkness of our night,
And fill the world with bliss.O Jesu! spotless virgin-flower!
Our life and joy! To Thee
Be praise, beatitude, and power
Through all eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Malachi 3:17
[Mal 3:17] King’s Treasures, The
We are the treasures of Christ the King;
Jesus has given us each good thing;
Voices to sing for Him songs of praise,
Feet to run willingly in His ways.Refrain
We are the treasures of Christ the King,
Happy that we of His love may sing;
All of our powers to Him will we bring;
We are the treasures of Christ the King.Boys who are manly, and pure and true,
Girls who are happy and useful, too,
Through all the powers that God has giv’n,
Make earth an Eden and home a heav’n.Refrain
We are His treasures; our hands and heart,
Placed in His keeping, must do their part;
He will employ all our powers each day,
We will serve Jesus in work and play.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:17] When He Cometh
When He cometh, when He cometh
To make up His jewels,
All His jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.Refrain
Like the stars of the morning,
His brightness adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.He will gather, He will gather
The gems for His kingdom;
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own.Refrain
Little children, little children,
Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal