Kidung Jemaat
Ephesians 5:14
- Hai Bangun, Kau yang Tidur [KJ.213]
1. Hai bangun, kau yang tidur dan hidup dalam t,rang:
tak boleh maut menang di tanah orang hidup.
Ef 5:14
1 Tes 5:5-8
2. T'rang Kristus bercahaya menghalau yang gelap;
t'lah mundur segenap ancaman susah payah.
Yoh 8:12
3. Tak lagi kita kalah terhadap dunia,
tetapi berserah kepada kasih Allah.
4. T'lah bangkit Raja kita, supaya kita pun bertahan
bertekun melawan dukacita.
5. Sengatmu. Maut, di mana-dimana jayamu?
Yang beriman teguh beroleh kemenangan!
6. Lenyaplah malam dosa dan fajar merekah:
seluruh dunia 'kan baru dan sentosa!Play - Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan [KJ.191]
1. Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan, kami sambut fajarmu.
Di terangmu daya maut hilang, kalah sudah seteru.
Kristus, Matahari Kehidupan, o, pancarkan sinar
penghiburan dan harapan yang penuh akan damai Sabatmu.
Mrk 16:2
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Mal 4:2
2. Atas panggilanMu kami bangkit, hidup dalam hidupMu.
Dari kubur-dosa kami tampil, dibebaskan Roh Kudus.
Ajar kami tiap-tiap hari di kematianMu turut mati,
agar bangkit dan teguh ikut jalan jayaMu.
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
1 Kor 15:22
Rm 6:18, 22
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Gal 5:24-25
Ef 5:14
3. Hidup, mati, kami mengalami perlindunganMu tetap.
Nanti gurun dunia dijalani, masa duka pun genap.
Sungguh indah Hari Perhentian menyudahi malam kematian,
Saat kami menyembah Dikau di terang baka.Rm 14:8
Ibr 4:9-10
1 Tes 4:14
Ephesians 5:6-8
- Pintu Satu-satunya [KJ.351]
1. Pintu satu-satunya: Tuhan Yesus! Hai tempuhlah
jalanNya: jalan lurus. Buang rantai dan beban, ikut Dia.
Pikul salibmu dengan sukaria.
Yoh 10:7-9
Mrk 8:34
2. Satu sabda bawalah: Sabda Allah! Cari kebenaranNya
tiap kala. Tutur-kata dunia: tipu daya Roh Kudus
terimalah dan percaya.
3. Mari, hidup di terang Kerajaan! Oleh Yesus kau menang;
hai, bertahan! Ikut Tuhanmu terus dengan suka:
rumah Allah yang kudus t'lah terbuka.Ef 5:8
1 Kor 15:57
Ibr 12:1
Play - Yesus Berpesan [KJ.422]
1. Yesus berpesan: Dalam malam g'lap kamu harus jadi
lilin gemerlap; anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
dalam dunia ini bersinarlah!
Mat 5:14-16
Ef 5:8
Flp 2:15
1 Tes 5:5
2. Yesus berpesan: Bersinarlah t'rang; lilinmu Kulihat
malam dan siang. Anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
untuk hormat Tuhan bersinarlah!
3. Yesus berpesan: Dunia penuh banyak macam dosa,
duka dan keluh; anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
untuk sesamamu bersinarlah!Play - Yesus Menginginkan Daku [KJ.424]
1. Yesus menginginkan daku bersinar bagiNya,
di mana pun 'ku berada, 'ku mengenangkanNya.
Mat 5:14-16
Ef 5:8
Flp 2:15
1 Tes 5:5
2. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
3. Yesus menginginkan daku menolong orang lain,
manis dan sopan selalu, ketika 'ku bermain.
Gal 6:2
1 Ptr 4:10
4. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
5. Ku mohon Yesus menolong menjaga hatiku,
agar bersih dan bersinar meniru Tuhanku.
6. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
7. Aku ingin bersinar dan melayaniNya,
hingga di sorga 'ku hidup senang bersamaNya.
8. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.Play
Romans 13:11
[Rom 13:11] We Are Nearing
We are drifting towards the waters
Of a calm and tranquil sea,
And we soon shall anchor safely
In that port where we should be.Refrain
We are nearing, we are nearing,
Nearing the golden strand;
We are nearing, we are nearing,
Nearing the soul’s bright land.We are drifting from the sorrows
That for us will soon be o’er;
We are drifting from the trials
That will vex the heart no more.Refrain
We are drifting from the shadows
Into pure and perfect day;
’Tis the Savior guides our vessel,
And His presence cheers our way.Refrain
Oh, the morning and the meeting,
When our happy souls shall rest,
By the fount of life eternal,
With the ransomed ever blest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 5:1
[Eph 5:1] Be Now Imitators Of Your Lord
Be now imitators of your Lord;
You’re His children through His love outpoured.
Let love show now in all you do,
As Christ loved and gave Himself for you,
As a sacrifice to God.All impurity put far away.
Don’t be greedy; watch the things you say.
These aren’t proper for God’s dear children;
You will never gain the wealth of Heaven,
In the kingdom of Christ and God.Don’t be taken in by empty words;
Those who disobey, God’s wrath incur.
You were darkness, but now you’re light;
Let your life be good and true and right,
And find out what pleases God.Stay away from fruitless deeds,
Done in secret out of lust and greed.
Let Christ’s light shine on all that’s dark,
And expose what’s missed God’s mark.
Bring to light every sinful act.So be careful in the things you do;
Act with wisdom in whate’er you pursue.
Make the most of every hour;
Don’t let evil exercise its power.
Be not foolish, but know God’s will.Let the Spirit now your life control,
And let psalms and hymns flow from your soul.
In your heart, speak to God and sing,
Giving thanks for everything,
In the name of Jesus Christ.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 5:1] Heavenly Father, Send Thy Blessing
Heav’nly Father, send Thy blessing
On Thy children gathered here,
May they all, Thy Name confessing,
Be to Thee forever dear;
May they be, like Joseph, loving,
Dutiful, and chaste, and pure;
And their faith, like David, proving,
Steadfast unto death endure.Holy Savior, who in meekness
Didst vouchsafe a Child to be,
Guide their steps, and help their weakness,
Bless and make them like to Thee;
Bear Thy lambs, when they are weary,
In Thine arms and at Thy breast;
Through life’s desert, dry and dreary,
Bring them to Thy heav’nly rest.Spread Thy golden pinions o’er them,
Holy Spirit, from above,
Guide them, lead them, go before them,
Give them peace, and joy, and love;
Thy true temples, Holy Spirit,
May they with Thy glory shine,
And immortal bliss inherit,
And forevermore be Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal