Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 103:17
Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4] ( O Worship the King )
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play Kau, Allah, Benteng yang Baka [KJ.330]
1. Kau, Allah, benteng yang baka, suaka yang teguh,
dahulu dan selamanya harapan umatMu.
2. Sejak dahulu takhtaMu pelindung kaum kudus;
dengan kuasa tanganMu Kaubela kami t'rus.
3. Tatkala alam semesta belum Engkau bentuk,
Engkaulah Allah yang baka dan tiada akhirMu.
4. Seribu tahun bagiMu sehari sajalah,
sesingkat jaga malam pun berganti tugasnya.
1 Ptr 3:8
5. Daging dan darah mengejar perkara yang fana;
di arus waktu sebentar lenyap semuanya.
1 Kor 15:50
Mzm 102:26-28
6. Terhanyutlah manusia di zaman yang deras;
sepintas mimpi umurnya yang tiada berbekas.
Mzm 103:15-18
Mzm 144:3-4
Yes 40:6-8
7. Ya Tuhan, kau kekal teguh Pelindung kaum kudus;
kiranya dalam rumahMu umatMu umatMu tinggal t'rus!Play Mari, Puji Raja Sorga [KJ.288] ( Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven )
1. Mari, puji Raja sorga, persembahan bawalah! DitebusNya
jiwa-raga, maka puji namaNya! Puji Dia, puji Dia,
puji Raja semesta!
2. Puji Yang kekal rahmatNya bagi umat dalam aib,
dulu, kini, selamanya panjang sabar, mahabaik.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang setiaNya ajaib!
3. Bagai Bapa yang penyayang, siapa kita Ia tahu;
tangan kasihNya menatang di tengah bahaya maut.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, kasihNya seluas laut!
Yak 5:11
4. Kita bagai bunga saja, layu habis musimnya,
tapi keadaan Raja tak berubah, tak lemah.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, yang kekal kuasaNya!
Yes 40:6-8
Yak 1:10-11
1 Ptr 1:24
5. Sujudlah, hai bala sorga, abdi Allah terdekat;
turut, bintang, bulan, surya, tiap waktu dan tempat.
Puji Dia, puji Dia, Sumber kasih dan berkat!Play Siang, Malam, Musim, Tahun [KJ.331]
1. Siang, malam, musim, tahun gilir ganti melenyap; bayang-
bayangnya berlalu, tiada satu yang tetap. Hidup kita menjalani
jangka waktu dunia; tak terulang yang terjadi, tinggal tanggung jawabnya.
2. Orang hidup ditinggalkan oleh pendahulunya, kita pun menuju
makam yang fana. Dari bumi kita lahir dan kembali padaNya;
tanpa rahmat yang ilahi, apakah manusia?
Pkh 1:4
Mzm 89:48-49
Kej 3:19
Mzm 103:14
Mzm 144:3-4
3. Sungguh, Allah mengasihi dunia ciptaanNya: dalam PutraNya
sendiri Ia tinggal beserta. Yang percaya kepadaNya, tak binasa
tenggelam, tapi hidup selamanya dalam Dia yang menang.
Yoh 3:16
Mat 1:23
4. Walau zaman menghanyutkan tiap hal di dunia, pengasihanMu,
ya Tuhan, untuk s'lama-lamanya! Di segala perubahan, dalam
duka apapun, dalam Kristus aku aman: kau menjadi Bapaku!
Mzm 90:5-10
Mzm 103:15-18
Yes 40:6-8
5. Bapa, Sumber pengasihan, Bapa dalam t'rang dan g'lap. Bapa
dalam kematian, pun di kubur yang senyap, setiaMu tak berubah,
kasihMu tetap teguh: Bapa, kepadaMu jua kuserahkan diriku.
6. Siang, malam, musim, tahun, biar kamu melenyap; dalam suka
dan dukaku rahmat Allahku tetap! TanganNya menuntun daku
lewat zaman dunia dan akhirnya 'ku selalu tinggal dalam rumahNya.Mzm 31:16
Mzm 23:6
Jeremiah 31:18-20
[Jer 31:18] Return, O Wanderer, Return
Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek an injured Father’s face;
Those warm desires that in thee burn
Were kindled by reclaiming grace.Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek a Father’s melting heart,
Whose pitying eyes thy grief discern,
Whose hand can heal thine inward smart.Return, O wanderer, return,
He heard thy deep repentant sigh,
He saw thy softened spirit mourn
When no intruding ear was nigh.Return, O wanderer, return,
Thy Savior bids thy spirit live;
Go to His bleeding feet, and learn
How freely Jesus can forgive.Return, O wanderer, return,
And wipe away the falling tear;
’Tis God who says, “No longer mourn,”
’Tis mercy’s voice invites thee near.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:19] Tell Mother I’ll Be There
When I was but a little child how well I recollect
How I would grieve my mother with my folly and neglect;
And now that she has gone to Heav’n I miss her tender care:
O Savior, tell my mother, I’ll be there!Refrain
Tell mother I’ll be there, in answer to her prayer;
This message, blessèd Savior, to her bear!
Tell mother I’ll be there, Heav’n’s joys with her to share;
Yes, tell my darling mother I’ll be there.Though I was often wayward, she was always kind and good;
So patient, gentle, loving when I acted rough and rude;
My childhood griefs and trials she would gladly with me share:
O Savior, tell my mother, I’ll be there!Refrain
When I became a prodigal, and left the old rooftree,
She almost broke her loving heart in mourning after me;
And day and night she prayed to God to keep me in His care:
O Savior, tell my mother, I’ll be there!Refrain
One day a message came to me, it bade me quickly come
If I would see my mother ere the Savior took her home;
I promised her, before she died, for Heaven to prepare:
O Savior, tell my mother, I’ll be there!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hosea 6:3
[Hos 6:3] Follow On
Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
Where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters flow;
Everywhere He leads me I would follow, follow on,
Walking in His footsteps till the crown be won.Refrain
Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on!
Follow! follow! I would follow Jesus!
Everywhere He leads me I would follow on!Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow;
With His hand to lead me I will never, never fear,
Danger cannot fright me if my Lord is near.Refrain
Down in the valley, or upon the mountain steep,
Close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep;
He will lead me safely in the path that He has trod,
Up to where they gather on the hills of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Malachi 3:6
[Mal 3:6] God Of The Changing Year
God of the changing year, whose arm of power
In safety leads through danger’s darkest hour,
Here in Thy temple bow Thy children down,
To bless Thy mercy and Thy might to own.Thine are the beams that cheer us on our way,
And pour around the gladdening light of day;
Thine is the night, and the fair orbs that shine
To cheer its hours of darkness; all are Thine.If round our path the thorns of sorrow grew,
And mortal friends were faithless, Thou wast true;
Did sickness shake the frame, or anguish tear
The wounded spirit, Thou was present there.O lend Thine ear, and lift our voice to Thee;
Where’er we dwell, still let Thy mercy be;
From year to year still nearer to Thy shrine
Draw our frail hearts, and make them wholly Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] I Hear The Words Of Love
I hear the words of love,
I gaze upon the blood,
I see the mighty sacrifice,
And I have peace with God.’Tis everlasting peace,
Sure as Jehovah’s Name;
’Tis stable as His steadfast throne,
For evermore the same.The clouds may go and come,
And storms may sweep my sky;
This blood-sealed friendship changes not,
The cross is ever nigh.I change—He changes not;
The Christ can never die;
His love, not mine, the resting-place;
His truth, not mine, the tie.My love is oftimes low,
My joy still ebbs and flows;
But peace with Him remains the same,
No change Jehovah knows.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] Roll Out, O Song, To God!
Roll out, O song to God!
Move on, ye throngs of men!
Chances and changes come and go;
God changeth not! Amen.
And on the throngs of men,
On worrying care and strife,
Sinks down, as if from angel tongues,
The word of hope and life.Down in the darksome ways
And worrying whirl of life
Sinks, like a strain of vesper song,
The thought of His great strife;
Who, of the virgin born,
Made all our chains His own,
And broke them with His own right arm,
Nor left us more alone.Amid the weak, One strong,
Amid the false, One true,
Amid all change, One changing not,
One hope we ne’er shall rue.
In Whose sight all is now,
In Whose love all is best:
The things of this world pass away,
Come, let us in Him rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] ’twixt Gleams Of Joy And Clouds Of Doubt
’Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt our feelings come and go;
Our daily state is tossed about in ceaseless ebb and flow.
No mood of feeling, form of thought, is constant for a day;
But Thou, O Lord, Thou changest not, the same Thou art alway.Out of the weak, unquiet drift that comes but to depart,
To that pure heaven my spirit lift where Thou unchanging art.
Lay hold of me with Thy strong grasp, let Thine almighty arm
In its embrace my weakness clasp, and I shall fear no harm.Thy purpose of eternal good let me but surely know,
On this I’ll lean—let changing mood and feeling come or go
Glad when Thy sunshine fills my soul, nor sad when clouds overcast,
Since Thou within Thy sure control of love dost hold me fast.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] The Year Is Swiftly Waning
The year is swiftly waning,
The summer days are past;
And life, brief life, is speeding;
The end is nearing fast.The ever changing seasons
In silence come and go;
But Thou, eternal Father,
No time or change canst know.O, pour Thy grace upon us,
That we may worthier be,
Each year that passes o’er us,
To dwell in heaven with Thee.Behold the bending orchards
With bounteous fruit are crowned;
Lord, in our hearts more richly
Let heavenly fruits abound.O, by each mercy sent us,
And by each grief and pain,
By blessings like the sunshine,
And sorrows like the rain.Our barren hearts make fruitful
With every goodly grace,
That we Thy Name may hallow,
And see at last Thy face.Play source: Cyberhymnal