Psalms 13:1-2
Psalms 13: How Long, O Lord? (Psalms 13)
Psalm 13
Enemie horsemen, The
How long will you forget me?
Psalms 74:9-10
Psalms 74: Remember the People You Purchased (Psalms 74)
Psalms 94:3
Psalms 94: How Long Will the Wicked Be Jubilant? (Psalms 94)
Psalm 94
Psalm of vengeance
Blessed is the man whom you shall instruct Lord, and you shall teach from your law
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 94
Revelation 6:10
The Fifth and the Sixth Seals (Revelation 6:9-17)
Sixth seal, The: A great earthquake
Opening of the sixth seal, The
Opening of the sixth seal, The
Opening of the fifth and sixth seals, The

(48 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Revelation 6