Psalms 13:1
Psalms 13: How Long, O Lord? (Psalms 13)
Psalm 13
Enemie horsemen, The
How long will you forget me?
Psalms 44:24
Psalms 44: Do Not Reject Us Forever! (Psalms 44)
Psalm 44
God we have heard with our ears
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 44
Psalms 74:1
Psalms 74: Remember the People You Purchased (Psalms 74)
Psalms 77:7-10
Psalms 77: I Thought about the Former Days (Psalms 77)
Psalm 77
Power of the storm, The
David praying in the night *
In the day of my trouble I sought out God with my hands, in the night before him, and I was not deceived
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 77
Psalms 79:5
Psalms 79: Deliver Us and Atone for Our Sins (Psalms 79)
Psalm 79
They have set aside the carcasses of your servants as food for the fowls of the air
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 79
Psalms 85:5
Psalms 85: Love and Faithfulness Meet (Psalms 85)
Psalm 85
Mercy and Truth are met together, Righteouness and Peace have kissed each other *
And our land shall yield her increase
Landscape with Peace and Justice embracing

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 85
Psalms 89:46
Psalms 89: Has the Lord Abandoned His Promises? (Psalms 89)
Psalm 89
Horn exalted
Death comes to us all
I have found David my servant, I have anointed him with my holy oil

Psalms 94:3-4
Psalms 94: How Long Will the Wicked Be Jubilant? (Psalms 94)
Psalm 94
Psalm of vengeance
Blessed is the man whom you shall instruct Lord, and you shall teach from your law
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 94
Isaiah 64:9-12
Repentance and Prayer for Salvation (Isaiah 63:7--64:12)
Isaiah's prayer
Clay, The
Jeremiah 14:19-21
Drought, Famine, Sword (Jeremiah 14)
Such as are for the captivity, to the captivity
They come back with their jars empty
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 14