Psalms 40:17
Psalms 40: My Help and My Deliverer (Psalms 40)
Psalm 40
David thanks the Lord for having spared him the tortures of hell
Poor and needy

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 40
Psalms 88:10-12
Psalms 88: My Life Draws Near to the Grave (Psalms 88)
Psalm 88
I am counted among those that descend into the deeps
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 88
Mark 5:23
Jairus Implores Christ's Help (Matthew 9:18; Mark 5:22-24; Luke 8:41)
Woman touches Christ's garment and is heales, A
Hemmorhaging woman is healed, The; Jairus's daughter is raised
Nobleman asks Jesus to heal his son
Ruler's daughter is ill, A