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Psalms 100:4-5


Enter <0935> [Enter.]

Give him thanks <03034> [be thankful.]


Lord <03068> [For the.]

loyal love <02617> [his mercy.]

faithful <0530> [and his truth.]

all generations <01755> [all generations. Heb. generation and generation.]

89:1 *marg:

Psalms 107:1


[A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. (Title.)]

The author of this Psalm is unknown; but it was evidently written to commemorate the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity; and it may easily be perceived that it must have been sung in alternate parts, having a double burden, or two intercalary verses often recurring. Bp. Lowth considers it as written "after the method of the ancient pastorals, where, be the subject of their verse what it will, each swain endeavours to excel the other; and one may perceive their thoughts and expressions gradually to rise upon each other." "No doubt," he adds, "the composition of this Psalm is admirable throughout; and the descriptive part of it adds at least its share of beauty to the whole; but what is most to be admired is its conciseness, and withal the expressiveness of the diction, which strikes the imagination with illimitable elegance. The weary and bewildered traveller--the miserable captive in the dungeon--the sick and dying man--the seaman foundering in a storm--are described in so affecting a manner, that they far exceed any thing of the kind, though never so much laboured."

Give thanks <03034> [Give.]

good <02896> [good.]

loyal love <02617> [for his mercy.]

Psalms 118:1


[A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.)]

This Psalm was probably composed by David after Nathan's prophetic address; and sung by alternate choirs at some public festival. It largely partakes of David's spirit, and everywhere shews the hand of a master; the style is grand and sublime; the subject noble and majestic.

Psalms 136:1



This Psalm is little else than a repetition of the preceding, with the addition of the burden, "for his mercy endureth for ever," at the end of each verse; and it was doubtless composed on the same occasion. It seems evidently to have been a responsive song; the first part of the verse being probably sung by the Levites, and the burden by the people.

Give thanks <03034> [Give thanks.]

loyal love <02617> [for his mercy.]

Psalms 136:1



This Psalm is little else than a repetition of the preceding, with the addition of the burden, "for his mercy endureth for ever," at the end of each verse; and it was doubtless composed on the same occasion. It seems evidently to have been a responsive song; the first part of the verse being probably sung by the Levites, and the burden by the people.

Give thanks <03034> [Give thanks.]

loyal love <02617> [for his mercy.]

Psalms 16:1


prayer <04387> [A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.) Michtam. or, A golden]

Psalm of David.

56:1 60:1 *titles [All]

Protect <08104> [Preserve.]

shelter <02620> [for.]

Ezra 3:11


sang <06030> [they sang.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

shout <07321> [shouted.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

Jeremiah 33:11


sounds ... joy ... gladness ..... celebrations <08342 06963> [voice of joy.]

sounds ..... gladness ..... celebrations ...................... say <06963 0559> [the voice of them.]

Give thanks .... Lord ........ Lord ............. Lord <03034 03068> [Praise the.]

thank offerings <08426> [sacrifice.]

restore <07725> [For I.]

Jeremiah 33:1


spoke <01697> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. Moreover.]

This was the eleventh year of Zedekiah, Jeremiah being still shut up in prison; but he was now in the court of the prison, where the elders and the king's officers might consult him with the greater ease.

confined <06113> [he.]

Jeremiah 5:18


<06213> [I will not make.]

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