NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 104:3


lays the beams <07136> [Who layeth.]

makes <07760> [maketh.]

travels along <01980> [walketh.]

Amos 9:6


builds <01129> [buildeth.]

upper rooms <04609> [stories. or, spheres. Heb. ascensions.]

{M„ƒloth,} "upper chambers," which in eastern houses are the principal apartments. Perhaps there is a reference here to the various systems which God has created in illimitable space, transcending each other as the planets do in our system.

supports <092> [troop. or, bundle.]

{Aguddah} probably is the same as the Arabic {ijad,} "an arch, vault," and may here denote the vault of heaven, or atmosphere, which God "hath founded, or established, upon, or over, {Æ’l,} the earth," and into which "he calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth."

summons <07121> [calleth.]

Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

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