Psalms 119:128
precepts <06490> [I esteem.]
<03474> [all things.]
{Kol,} "all" seems to have been omitted by all the versions, except the Chaldee; which reads simply, "all thy precepts;" and this renders the text more perspicuous and unembarrassed.
hate <08130> [and I.]
Psalms 119:138
rules <05713> [testimonies.]
just <06664> [righteous. Heb. righteousness. faithful. Heb. faithfulness.]
Psalms 119:142
<06666> [Thy righteousness.]
Men, as Bp. Horne observes, may decree wickedness by a law; or they may change their decrees, and with them what is right to-day may be wrong to-morrow; but the law of God is righteousness, and it is truth, to-day and for ever.
endures <05769> [an everlasting.]
law <08451> [and thy.]
Psalms 119:151
near <07138> [near.]
commands <04687> [all.]