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Psalms 119:137-144
[Psa 119:137] O Lord, Thy Perfect Righteousness
O Lord, Thy perfect righteousness Is in Thy judgments shown; In Thy unchanging faithfulness Thy truth Thou hast made known. Because Thy foes forget Thy law My soul is greatly stirred; Thy servant loves the purity Of Thy most holy Word. Though I am humble and despised, I strive Thy will to do; Eternal is Thy righteousness, And all Thy law is true. Delight amid distress and pain Do Thy commandments give; Thy Word is righteous evermore, Teach me that I may live. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
[Psa 119:140] Lord, Open Thou My Heart
Lord, open Thou my heart to hear And through Thy Word to me draw near; Let me Thy Word e’er pure retain, Let me Thy child and heir remain. Thy Word doth deeply move the heart, Thy Word doth perfect health impart, Thy Word my soul with joy doth bless, Thy Word brings peace and happiness. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Shall glory, praise, and honor be Now and throughout eternity. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |